Part 43

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Chapter 43

"I am sorry." she whispered in his ear to which Tala shook his head-hugging her back. "It's not your fault. I know that, plus you are a really nice person. I am happy for you and him. just take good care of him for me will you?" Tala said as he looked at Kai who was still trying to register his surroundings, "it's strange how I was going to say the exact same thing to you, you will take good care of him, won't you? though it's asking too much from you. I am relieved, I will say." she said as she broke the hug confusing Tala at levels.

"Oh, another scarf!" Arvi said as she picked her scarf that was now torn into pieces, revealing her hair. "Kai is right, you do have strangely attractive hair." Tala said as he looked at her hair. "Are they shining? it's..." he said further willing to touch it. " I warm ?" she asked, trying to check her temperature, her voice clearly breaking. "No, instead you are really cold, even your hair is..." Tala said as he helped her walk back to the team stand as the Aj praised both of them for showing so much sporting spirit.

"I told you not to go." Kai roared at her as he rushed to them." okay... I... I don't think I have the energy to hear... hear you ranting...r.. right now." Arvi said walking away with Tala ignoring Kai, "I think you should go to the hospital you know." Tala said now visibly worried and his team came to their stand as well. "I just need a good rest, I will be fine." She smiled at him and his teammates. "That attack was really something, I haven't seen a phoenix bursting into blue flames ever, I think it exhausted you." Bryan said excitedly showing his shock clearly to which Arvi nodded smiling.

"Okay, we have had enough!!" Kai said as he pushed people around her to reach up to her. " YOU need rest, excuse us people." he said as he picked her up in his arms swiftly making everyone drop their jaws except Ray, " I can walk on my own." Arvi said slowly, trying hard to hide her pain as she struggled to get down. " LOOK, I am really mad right now so if you don't want me to yell at you just shut up alright, cause no matter what we are doing things MY way from now on." Kai said, glaring at her to which she didn't reply as she passed out in his arms.

"She up?" Ray asked, concerned to which Kai shook his head. "That was one powerful attack though, for a moment I thought we were going down but..." Ray went on but Kai wasn't listening anymore. " what do you think they were talking about for this long?" Kai asked suddenly as they watched the replay of the match on t.v. making Ray stop blabbering. " um... I don't know, I don't do lip-reading plus it's not clear... why don't you ask Tala?" Ray replied casually when they heard the door opening.

"Where is Tyson ?" Arvi asked as she came into the room "He is asleep ." Max smiled at her. "How are you doing?" Kenny asked, raising his brow, "oh I am fine, just a bit tired, it's dinner time..." Arvi started just to be cut off in between. "You just stay here I will get it for you and guys just move it." Kai said, gesturing everyone to move quickly which they followed.

"It's fine.." she tried, " I. SAID. I. WILL. GET. IT. FOR. YOU. OVER. HERE. Do I have to repeat myself every damn time?" He said his voice firm to which Arvi shook her head quietly going back to her room.

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