Part 39

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Chapter 39

"Illusion??? that's... that's..." Brooklyn stammered his eyes wide. "her move, I know." Kai said as an innocent kid. "how?? she never told anyone how she did it, not even me, how did you ?" Brooklyn fumed as he wasn't expecting the move from him and was caught off guard. " well, what can I say?" Kai smiled as he picked his blade up and walked away from the dish.

"Wasn't that my move? " Arvi stared at the dish shocked. " yes, it was " Ray nodded surprised as well " how did he figure that one out ?" she said looking at Ray " you mean you didn't teach him that?" he asked confused to which she shook her head.

"You stole my MOVE." Arvi yelled as they were in the hallway. "stole ?? That's really a serious accusation, why do you have to be so harsh with me? I thought you would be impressed that I was able to learn your move" Kai said simply. " I... I... but how ? it took me years to perfect it, no one was able to figure it out, how did you do it?" Arvi was stunned " well I am not that ordinary as you take me to be... yeah you did talk about stuff that helped me figure it out." Kai chuckled "you are a GENIUS." Tyson yelled on top of his lungs as he jumped over Kai. " Teach me that move too." he grinned. " It's not that easy as you think." Kai glared at Tyson to which he pouted. " But I have to say Brooklyn didn't see that coming, he looked shattered!! " Max said, seriously closing his eyes. " yes he did." Ray agreed to which Kai and Arvi looked at each other.

"Don't tell me you are worried about him." Kai frowned as they got back to their room. " he was my best friend." Arvi said looking away " WAS " Kai groaned " he is not bad, he is just angry don't misunderstand him? " Arvi said calmly. " I am not misunderstanding him, I know exactly what he is going through, that's why I didn't shatter his blade into a million pieces and went real easy on him." Kai said as he closed his eyes " what does that even mean?" Arvi said raising her brows "don't you get it? aren't you some kind of feeling expert?" Kai said lazily.

"Can you just stop beating around the bush?" Arvi frowned " He is jealous!!" Kai said looking away " of me? why ?" Arvi asked confused " when did you become so dumb?? he is jealous of me because he thinks we are close." Kai replied annoyed. "ah... so there is still hope that we could still be friends, he was always a possessive friend." Arvi laughed but stopped as Kai glared at her.

"umm... so Are we close ?" she said trying to switch the topic but making it more awkward. "well... there is no need to answer that, it will just hurt my ego." She added quickly " do you think we are close ?" Kai asked after a long awkward silence. " well, I think we are friends, good friends and being friends with The Great Kai Hiwatari is a pretty big thing isn't it?" She said smiling to which Kai rolled his eyes letting out a small laugh.

" We have our next match with the Mystics any strategies in mind ?" Arvi asked him looking up from her laptop finally, to which he pretended to be deep into his magazine. " I didn't know you could read upside down too." Arvi frowned at him to which he folded the paper embarrassed. "something wrong ?" she asked him worriedly, to which he just shook his head his cheeks burning red.

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