Part 24

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Chapter 24

Kai didn't know what was going on around him, he was mindlessly playing with his food and thinking about what would be going on in the hospital when he spotted her rushing in all worried searching around the cafe, "Arvi?" he said out loud before he could stop himself, she looked worried and desperately searching for someone, Kai felt a stinging feeling in his heart to see her like that just when their eyes met and at that moment he could feel Arvi calming down, she shook her head and smiled at him and made her way out of the cafe.

"what the..." he whispered to himself as he expected her to come to him. " I will be back in a moment." he hurried towards the door to follow her when he saw Tala almost on the verge of tears, "you okay ?" He asked, confused to which Tala just nodded. "I... I will be back. " Kai said as he made his way out.

" Hey... hey wait up." Kai finally got hold of her wrist making her abruptly stop. " what are you doing here ?" He huffed " I told you to call me, where is Tyson ?" He asked, looking around. " they went back, we got a cab. He is better now, no serious problem." she smiled at him.

" cab ?? I told you to call me. " Kai frowned. " we did... but you didn't pick up and then your phone was switched off, so I sent them off but then there was news of an accident on the way here and Tyson said you weren't that good of a driver... so I panicked and came to check on you." Arvi said as she bit her lip embarrassed. "You came to check on me ?" Kai said as he smirked, "Well yeah, aren't you the captain of our team ?" Arvi said, folding her arms " yeah right!! come on join us, then we can go back together." Kai said, pulling her with him.

" what? noo... I don't want to be a part of this." Arvi said as she struggled to get her wrist out of his hold but instead, he just gripped her more tightly. " you are hurting me now." she said, trying to out of his grip. " well you are hurting me too." He smiled at her as he showed her his palm grabbing her wrist from another swiftly. " oh my god!! i am warm again... leave me." She said she was still struggling to get out of his hold.

" what are you doing ? are you insane? Kai just leave me. " She stated firmly but all in vain as Kai dragged her along. "hey Tala... look who I got here." Kai said happily as he pulled the chair for Arvi and pushed her in. " hey... I didn't mean to disturb you two but he just won't listen." Arvi said as she kicked Kai under the table " Tala doesn't mind at all, there is no need to be so formal." Kai chuckled surprising Tala as he never really saw Kai like this before it was hurting him real bad but he knew there was nothing he could do about it.

"shut up... I am really sorry, I will just leave. It was nice to meet you." Arvi said as she pulled her hand for shake just when Kai pulled it back away from Tala who was about to shake it making Arvi glare at him " what do you think you are doing? you are still warm as a stove, you want to burn him alive or what ?" Kai whispered to her clutching her hand tight to which she looked embarrassed " am sorry!! I forgot. "

" I think I will just go, we have practice sessions. Bye Arvi, bye Kai." Tala said as he got up and left before they could say something "Damn it !! he really loves you." Arvi said as she looked at Tala sprinting away from them. " how do you know that? it's just a crush it will go away. " Kai huffed "it's not, don't you see how he looks at you? how he always surrenders before your wish, how he wants you to be happy no matter what it does to him"Arvi frowned at Kai " how can you even say all that you just met him." Kai said rolling his eyes " yeah I just met him but I could see that because he doesn't wanted me to be here but still he agreed because you dragged me here, he was nice to me even when it was killing him inside because you dragged me here, he was shocked to see you open and was hurt because it was about me when you were like this not him but still he was happy because no matter what he is willing to see you happy, can't you see that ?? are you blind ??" Arvi was clearly pissed at Kai who just looked too shocked to react.

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