Part 9

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Chapter 9

"Sure Mr.Dickenson thank you so much." She chirped before the line went dead.

"GUYS ...GUYS ... GUYS ..." She yelled as she entered the living area. "What ?" Ray looked up at her.

"The Championship Schedule is here " She yelled happily "WHAAAAAAAT ??? YESSSS... NOW IT WILL BE FUN" Tyson jumped over the couch "YES!!" Max joined him making Kenny jump. "That's brilliant." Ray smiled at his excited teammates. "It's our third championship, the last championship as well." he added before he could stop himself. "oh yes..." Max said his voice dropping. "If you guys win this time you guys will be the first team to win the championship three times that too consecutively isn't that enough? and it's because of you guys Mr.dickenson has started the three-year policy."Arvi said trying to lighten up the tensed mood. "because of us?" Tyson asked confused "Obviously if they let you guys play in all the championships only you guys will be winning then it will be so demotivating for all your competitors. " Arvi chuckled. "oh yeah that is true because we are THE BEST !!" Tyson grinned.

" Yeah... yeah ok... thank you" Arvi smiled satisfactorily as she hung up the phone. She looked around the empty place, she was alone as the team was with Kai Practicing Hard, she entered her room which she shared with Kai, opening the little pouch on her belt she took out the Beyblade she treasured, she traced the edges of the blade with her fingers looking at it lovingly as it shined "Hey Fawks " she smiled sadly as she traced the blurred image of the bit beast. She opened her scarf letting her Metallic Bluish-green hair with a tinge of purple fall on her shoulder identical to the blade she was clutching in her hands.

He came in with cat-like elegance without making any noise as he walked in their suite when he heard someone humming some tune, curious he steps towards kitchen just to witness her working with lunch, humming melodiously, her waist-length metallic hair left open, she clearly wasn't aware of his presence as her scarf laid on the platform not hiding her hair, he stood there trying to absorb everything he was witnessing the tune that she hummed melodiously, her hair like he never seen before shining and flowing as she worked.

It took her time to register someone was there and that her lone time was over. She knew who it was, and her scarf was nowhere to be seen. " Looking for your scarf are you ?" He finally broke the silence that fell as he could sense her tensing up giving away that she knew someone was there and she wasn't alone anymore. She turned as slowly as possible to face him "Kai" She smiled at him hiding the trauma going on in her head "Yes I was looking for my scarf thank you." She said as she took her scarf from his hands and tied her hair back up with it refusing to look at Kai as he took steps towards her, his hand approached her face making her freeze on the spot. "you left these." He said pulling some strings of Hair that were behind her Ear to which she stared at him Horrified. He could feel the warmth of her body and he was sure that it wasn't normal heat. Just when they heard a bang on the door "I think they are here." Arvi said hurrying to leave sight of the Phoenix as she almost ran out of the kitchen to open the door thanking her stars.

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