Chapter 29❤

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After my mom finished making dinner everyone sat down and ate and started talking about plans for tomorrow.

"So I guess we're gonna go to the spa tomorrow then head to Fridays on sunset" Samari said looking at Cat.

"You still got that on your mind" she said laughing.

"Hell yes there's appetizers that you can share I can definitely go there"

"Well how about after you guys get back from the spa we all get ready and go out as like a double date?" I said looking up from my food. Plus I need to make sure that the furniture is coming in time so they have to leave for at least four hours so that I can get everything set up.

"Yeah we all need a night out anyway" Cat said nodding. "You sir have been working your butt off in the studio and you need it" she said smiling. That smile man.

"Whose ready for dessert?" my mom said getting up.

"What you cheffed up tonight ma?" I asked taking up me and Cats plate.

"Key lime pie and peach cobbler' she said walking into the kitchen. I swear my mom always throwing it down.

"I get first slice of the key lime pie" Cat said looking up from her phone.

My baby is just so cute that's when other people are around she been doing a whole lot of whispering since we stopped having sex I just hope she know I'm tearing that ass up after she come back from the hospital I been getting some weird ass text messages to I just delete them though cause everybody knows not to fuck with my family.

After we all had dessert I drove my mom back to her hotel I know your like why she in a hotel when you have Samari and Day'twan sleeping in your house?? She said she wanted to stay there I tried to change her mind multiple times but she's head strong.

"Alright ma I'll call you when I get home I love you!" I yelled out the window.

"I love you too Anthony tell Cat good night if she's not already asleep" she calls me Anthony in public so that people don't recognize her.

I waited for her to get into the hotel before making a U-turn and made my way back home for some reason I'm type excited like I don't know where it came from.

I pulled up in the driveway went inside and saw Cat and Samari on the couch watching Love and Hip Hop ATL.

"Baby ma said goodnight" I said sitting down next to her.

"Okay she was good when you dropped her off right?"

"Yeah she's good" I said watching the show no funny Jocelyn a bad bitch but her can't speak English right ass is crazy as fuck sniffing that shit her and Stevie J.

"Am I the only who peeped Althea crazy ass cheesing when she threw the glass over her shoulder??" I asked looking from Cat to Samari.

"No we seen it that bitch is really that crazy" Cat said laughing.

"Plus she probably still mad cause everybody seen the picture of her nasty ass sucking her husbands friend dick even if it was before Benzino he still kissing Stevie tip" Samari added making me and Cat bust out laughing.

"That's facts though she was just mad cause she played out with no walls" Cat said looking down at her phone. She been on her phone a hell of a lot lately, but I'm not gonna say anything cause I have my moments as well.

"I think I'm about to turn in Aug you gonna stay down here and finish it?" cat asked getting up slowly.

"No I'm good I'm coming with you" I got up and stretched and put my hand on her lower back I knew it hurt because of the way she was walking but she was just trying to hide it.

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