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Bayley groaned the next morning as she heard her alarm ringing through what seemed like the whole room. She noticed that Finn wasn't around, until she found a note from him.

"Bay, I wanted to say goodbye, but you were still asleep. I picked up some early morning clients, but I should be back around noon. Don't get into too much trouble while I'm gone :)"

Love, Finn

Bayley clutched the letter tight to her chest and then walked over to the couch. She turned on the TV to the cooking channel. That channel and the house channel gave her therapeutic relief.

She was happy that Finn had left her a note, however. It was much better than a text or even a voicemail of some sort. She wasn't sure what she had done in life to deserve Finn Bàlor, but she wasn't complaining.

However, she kept thinking to herself if she should move in with him or not. She had been staying over frequently, but she wasn't sure if she was ready to leave Sasha or not. She loved having a roommate, and she still would have one, but it wouldn't be the same. She decided to give Sasha a call.

"Hey, Ms. I stay out for two days with no warning."

Bayley sighed. "Hey, Sash. Look, I've got something I want to tell you."

"Sure, what's up?"

Bayley took a deep breath. She was hoping her best friend would be okay with this. And if she wasn't, oh well.

"Finn and I are dating. That's why I haven't been home in a couple of days. I don't know if we're going to live together just yet, but I do know that we're in love."

There was a silence for a few seconds. "Bay, that's great! I am so happy for you two. And don't worry about coming home anytime soon. If he's what makes you happy, then stay there with him, Bay."

Bayley sighed a sigh of relief. Her best friend had been totally cool with the whole thing, and that gave her much joy. Finn really did make her happy and she couldn't wait to see what the future was going to hold for the two of them.

"Thanks for being so understanding, Sasha. It means a lot to me that you support my new relationship."

"No problem. I also should tell you about my newly formed relationship," Sasha started. "That guy from Starbucks, his name is Roman, and we've been dating, well ever since the day you came home and heard me with him."

Bayley practically squealed with excitement. They had been friends ever since Bayley moved to the city. She was grateful she had met Sasha when she did.

Bayley decided to get ready for work. She was working a morning shift today, so it worked out that Finn had picked up early morning clientele after all.

Bayley strolled the streets of NYC, making her way to her secretarial job at the Empire State Building. When she applied there, never in a million years did she think she'd get it. She stopped in Starbucks to order her usual to-go order.

When she arrived at work, a sense of sadness washed over her. She knew it sounded stupid, but she missed Finn. They had been inseparable almost since the wedding, and this was their first long time apart. Bayley couldn't wait until the shift was over to get back to her boyfriend.

"Bayley! What's up? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" Bayley heard her best work friend, Carmella speak.

Carmella was a New York native. She grew up in Staten Island, and she had also been welcoming to Bayley in the city.

"I'm great! I have a boyfriend-"

Carmella cut her off. "Shut up. You finally gave dating another try?"

Bayley nodded and then Mella gave her a huge hug. Bayley was overjoyed that all of her friends were so happy about her new relationship. She felt that she deserved the happiness that was coming her way. Her ex-fiancée was a complete ass and she deserved a guy who was better than that.

"Bay, you deserve this. I mean, really, you do."

Bayley thanked Carmella and then waved goodbye. She sat behind her desk and waited for this shift to go by quickly so she could return home to Finn.


Hi everyone!! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and more updates are coming soon!!

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