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Finn Bálor looked at himself in the mirror. He had just finished putting his outfit on for the night. He had chosen a black polo and dark jeans. Tonight was the rehearsal dinner for Sami and Becky's wedding. Sami told him not to wear his tux, so he decided on semi-formal.

Finn had been excited for this night, as he hadn't met the rest of the wedding party. He only knew the bride and the groom.

He was most nervous to meet the maid of honor, as that was the woman that would be his companion for the night. Those two roles did everything together; dance, make the speech, and have to sit next to each other.

Finn was hoping he would like the maid of honor Becky had chose, as he didn't know too many of her friends.

He gave himself one final look in the mirror before he grabbed his keys and headed out the door.

Finn walked to the location, as it was rare to see someone who drove in New York, especially in Manhattan.

He felt the cold December air hit his cheeks, and he tightened the scarf around his neck. Sami and Becky had decided to have their wedding at a place called Four Points by Sheraton. It was like a hotel, but nicer and had more reception area.

He could remember how Sami had gone on and on about the damn venue, Finn thought he'd never hear the end of it.

Finn arrived at the venue, everyone taking their seats. Most of the guests were just wearing what one would wear to a normal wedding.

"Finn! You're here!" Sami yelled as he gave him a hug.

"Did you think I wasn't going to show?"

Sami shrugged and Finn slapped him on the arm. The fact that Sami had that much doubt about him not showing worried Finn.

"Finn, come with me," Becky said as she pulled him away from Sami.

Finn followed behind the red-haired girl that Sami had decided to marry. Of course, Becky and Finn had become friends over the course of the engagement.

He watched the crowd move as he and Becky walked through the large pools pf people. He wanted to know where she was taking him and why it had to be right in that very moment.

"Finn, this is my maid of honor, Bayley," Becky introduced him to a woman with brown hair.

The woman was short, but not too short. He noticed she had brown eyes, her straight brown locks fell just past her shoulders, and she was wearing a red dress that fell above her knees.

"Hi, I'm Finn," he said as he stuck out his hand for her to shake.

The woman shook his hand back, looking at him with confusion. Finn saw the confusion of her face. "I'm the best man."

She nodded her head and then realized it was her turn to say something. "I'm Bayley, as Becky said, and I'm the maid of honor."

Finn nodded and then they took their seats. They knew they would sit next to each other, as the best man and maid of honor always did. Finn liked Bayley, she seemed down to earth and a easy woman to talk to, and he knew that would make his night a lot easier.

The dinner went on and the practicing of speeches, of course went well. Neither Finn or Bayley had shared their whole speech, as Sami and Beckyi wanted them to be a surprise.

"Hey, that speech is going to sound amazing tomorrow, I can tell you really thought about it," Finn looked at Bayley.

"Thanks, yours is going to be good too. But, who doesn't spend time on their wedding speech?"

Finn shrugged and shook his head. "Trust me, I've seen people come unprepared. When I went to my brother's wedding, his best man was completely wasted and none of his speech made sense."

Bayley chuckled at his comment. "Well I promise you, I won't let you get drunk before you make your speech."

He smiled and nodded his head. Once the dinner was over, he felt better about the wedding.

"So, when's the wedding?" Sami came up from behind Finn and asked.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Dude, I saw the way you looked at Bayley, whether you know it or not, you had that look on your face."

Finn rolled his eyes, Sami was always trying to do this to him. "Lad, I just met her."

Sami and Finn walked off in their separate directions, both thinking about what the other had just said.


Hello my lovely readers! Sorry for the long update, but I have had some writer's block. Fear not, I am back with the ideas and hope you all enjoyed the chapter!!

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My Best Friend's Wedding [Bayley x Finn Bálor]Where stories live. Discover now