Where did he go?

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"Craig! Oh my God, Craig!"

Clyde raced down the hall, a look of pure terror sculpted onto his face. Craig slammed his locker shut, and turned to face his friend as Clyde skidded to a halt inches away from him. His face was red and sweaty, causing Craig to arch one questioning eyebrow. How long had he been running?

"Craig...ugh! Craig..." He panted, struggling to catch his breath. Craig slipped his arms through the straps of his backpack, patiently waiting for Clyde to collect himself enough to form coherent sentences.

Once he was able to breathe again, Clyde straightened up. "Did you hear the news!?"

"What news?" Craig asked in his flat, naisily voice. Clyde's eyes widened.

"Oh my God, You didn't hear the news," he said, seemingly shocked by this information. Craig tilted his head to one side.

"What news?" He tried again, hoping to get an answer this time. Clyde's expression seemed to darken.

"Seriously, you didn't hear?"

Craig shook his head. He was beginning to grow impatient, but still remained composed, as he always did. Clyde looked around, as if seeing if anyone were listening in. He then looked at Craig.

"Dude, Kenny ran away last night."

Craig suddenly tensed up. What he expected was for Clyde to tell him about Bebe's new boyfriend, or Cartman's latest prank against Kyle or Butters. This however, took him completely by surprise.

"Kenny? Kenny McCormick?" Craig questioned in disbelief. Clyde confirmed with a nod of his head.

"Yeah man. His Mom found a note in his room last night saying that he was taking his little sister and skipping town."

Craig closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. He and Kenny have never been close. Hell, he'd even go as far as to say he mildly disliked Kenny, due to the fact that he was partially to blame for swendelling Craig out of his birthday money and sending him to Peru when they were in fourth grade. But still, he couldn't help but feel at least a little concerned over this.

"Do the police have any idea where he went?" He asked. Clyde shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. They said he might have went to live with his brother in Denver, but I haven't heard anything else yet."

Craig's brow furrowed. "He couldn't have gotten far, could he? I mean, we saw him just yesterday."

"Hopefully they find him," Clyde said nervously. "I'd hate to see anything happen to the poor guy."

"Yeah," Craig agreed. "Me too..."

* * *

Craig laid in his bed, gently stroking the guinea pig curled up on his chest. He stared at the ceiling, deep in thought. Out of all people, he never would have expected Kenny to be the one to run away. He would have assumed Kyle would be the one to do so. Craig knew he would have ran away if he had to put up with half the shit Kyle did.

Or maybe even Cartman would have been more likely. He had always been a drama queen, and there was no doubt that he would know how to get away with never being seen again. But Kenny? Why him? Why now?

Kenny was poor. This was a pretty well known fact, but he never really seemed unhappy with his life. At least, not enough to want to leave it all behind. What suddenly changed?

A light tap on Craig's bedroom window pulled him out of his thoughts. He cupped his hands under the sleeping rodent, doing his best to keep from disturbing it as he rose up to a sitting position. His eyes focused on the window. The lavender curtains were pulled open, but Craig didn't see anything but the moon outside.

Not that he expected to see anything else. He was on the second floor, after all.


Craig jumped when he saw something hit his window. It bounced off too fast for him to get a good look, but he knew that there would be no point in ignoring it. He slid off his bed, put Stripe back into her cage, and then cautiously made his way to his window.

He peered out to see a figure in a heavy orange coat with a dark furry hood. His heart began to beat faster at the sight, and without thinking, he quickly opened the window.


Kenny froze. His arm was drawn back, preparing to throw another stone. However, upon realizing he had accomplished his goal in getting Craig's attention, he allowed the rock to slip from his grasp, and land in somewhere in the white blanket of snow.

"Hey!" He said, his voice muffled by the thick fabric of his parka. "Can I come in?"

"Uh..." Craig looked back at the alarm clock sitting on his bedside table. It was nearing midnight, meaning that the rest of his family was probably fast asleep. He took a deep breath, and returned his attention to the figure standing outside. "I guess. Hold on, I'll come unlock the door..."

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