The stresses of planning a wedding

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My sister was over to help me with some of the planning for the wedding, I was stressing myself to the bone and I couldn't think of anything good for the music.

Sister: Don't stress out about this, Cleo. I know your wedding will be amazing and the family will be talking about it for months afterwards!

Cleo: I know! However, it's just that . . . I want this wedding to be perfect and I'm also worried about who will be there for Anubi. I want the wedding to perfect for the both of us, that's all.

Sister: Does he have any family or friends we can invite to the wedding?

Cleo: He has friends we can invite, but . . .

Sister: But, what?

Cleo: His friends live such a far distance from us . . . and I'm not sure if they'll ever be able to make it to the wedding on time or even be here for that matter.

Sister: How far away do they live?

'How do I tell her? I can't tell her that our friends live in another dimension from ours. She'll call me crazy and disown me as a sister. What am I even talking about?'

Sister: Cleo? Is everything okay? We can take a break from the wedding plans if you want to.

Cleo: A break sounds nice. I just need a breath of fresh air, that's all.

Sister: I'll put the plans back in your room and we can review it later, okay?

Cleo: Sure thing, and take your time.

As I hear her footsteps go up the stairs, I go into the kitchen as to make her think that I'm getting a drink and I go straight to Egyxos. I find myself outside of the council room and I walk in to see if everything's alright, and I see the boys up in arms in an argument. I wonder what caused them to break out into an argument anyway.

Cleo: What in the name of Ra is going on in here? Sorry, Ra

Ra: It's quite alright, Cleo.

Anubi: I'm out of here

He storms off and I slide my body down a nearby column to help myself relax. The stress must be getting to him as it is me. Who knew planning a wedding could be so hard?

Cleo: I don't feel so great

Osiride came over and felt my forehead, then released his head moments later.

Osiride: You have a temperature. The stress of planning the wedding must have gotten to you and has caused you to feel this way.

Cleo: I was worried about what the plans that I didn't even notice my health. I was also worried about you guys not being able to see the wedding.

Iside: We can worry about that later, Cleo. Right now, we need to take care of you and help you get better.

I nod and Kefer helped to take me someplace where I could rest. I was grateful to all of them and all I could think about now was the wedding preparations. What kind of person am I to be called a Fairy of Egyxos?

~ ~ ~

'I'm so stressed out. The wedding planning is so stressful. How can I relieve Cleo's stress?'

Neith: There you are, Anubi. Kefer's looking for you and he needs to tell you something.

Anubi: Thanks, Neith.

I find Kefer wandering the halls and he takes me to Cleo laying down. Kefer tells me that Cleo has a temperature due to the stress from planning the wedding. I thank him and I sit by her to keep an eye out.

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