Finding my Powers

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Ra: I see

Osiride: She is indeed a fairy

Ra: How is that possible?

Osiride: I was lucky enough to get some her hair before her leave yesterday, and found properties of her possibly being the Egyxos fairy. Although we have yet to test that theory.

Ra: When she next arrives, I'll be sure to give her the stones for her bracelet

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After waking up from a late night, I got myself ready for the interviews at the local school and Dad was accompanying me on the trip. Not to mention, he was also there to keep an eye on me in the event of something going wrong or I hurt myself.

When we arrived at the school and I stepped out of the car, I saw a boy running up to me and I recognised it to be Leo.

Cleo: Hey, Leo

Leo: Hey, Cleo. What are you doing here?

Cleo: I'm doing an interview here with a class

Leo: It's your lucky day. It's my class and I will show you and your father to the room where we'll be doing the interviews

Cleo: Thanks, Leo

Leo led us into a room in the building where a class was sitting on benchers, while the recording staff were setting up for the interviews. The students were to ask me questions and I was to give them all an answer that was to be close to honest.

I kept my distance from the students, and just started talking to myself. As I was getting into it, I felt a hand gently shaking me and I turned to see Leo with his friends.

Leo: Are you okay?

Cleo: What do you mean?

Unknown: You're crying

I gain feeling back into my face and feel dried tears on my face. I wipe the tears away and crouch forward in my spot. I didn't even bother answering them and got up to use the toilet. I cried and soon left to get the interviews over and done with.

The make-up crew took me aside to get the make-up done and pushed me to get my clothes tidied up. Then I was sitting in a singular chair that sat across from a double seater. I calmed my nerves and took a few deep breathes.

I clap my hands and tap my feet, while I whisper some lyrics to help calm myself and prepare myself for the questions.

Dad: Are you okay, Cleo?

Cleo: Don't worry, I'm just nervous is all

Dad: Do you want to talk about what's on your mind?

Cleo: I want to deal with it

Dad: If you need to talk, I'm always here for you. You know that right?

Cleo: I know

Director: Let's get the camera rolling

Director: Three . . . two . . . one, go

I wait for a moment, then start.

Cleo: Hello friends, my name is Cleo and some of you may know me as a relatively popular internet star. I'm here to get interviewed by some students at a local school in a town that I happen to be in right now. There are some rules to the questions the students have to ask. They have to ask three open-ended questions that I have to try and answer honestly or as close to honesty as I can possibly get. Let's start with the first group of students and their set of three questions!

Fairy of EgyxosWhere stories live. Discover now