Testing my New Powers

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I was bored and Dad would come to collect me until later tonight, so I decided to go back to Egyxos and see if they had anything to do. When I appeared, I got knocked down by a basketball crashing onto my forehead. As I lay on the ground, I rub the sore spot on my head and groan from the pain.

Leo: Need a hand?

Cleo: Sure

After taking his hand and finding my balance, I take my hand way from the sore spot and I see blood trickling down my arm.

Cleo: I don't . . . feel so great

All I remember seeing is Leo and the others rushing toward me before passing out.

~ ~ ~

Leo: How is she, Osiride?

Osiride: She'll be fine, Leo. Cleo just needs to rest her head and she shall be moving again in no time

Leo: Thank goodness

Apis: I didn't mean to do it

Leo: We know it wasn't, Apis. You can apologize when she wakes up, how does that sound?

Apis just gave me a small smile and I hear Cleo start moving and groaning. Cleo slowly opened her eyes and takes a look at the surroundings.

Cleo: What . . . happened?

Leo: You transported to Egyxos and got hit the head by a basketball

Cleo: Now I remember and that explains why my head hurts so much

Osiride: I'm afraid you're going to have to stay here in Egyxos for a while till your head heals up

Cleo: Oh no.

Leo: Oh no, what?

Cleo: My father is going to be concerned when he realizes I'm not at home

Leo: I could get Ramses to pose as you

Cleo: Rather not. When my father gets home, can you please tell him that I'm staying at a friend's place? It's just so he doesn't get suspicious. Is that okay with you, Leo?

Leo: Sure

Apis: It was my fault that you got hit in the head with the basketball. I'm sorry, Cleo. Can you forgive me?

Cleo: Of course I forgive you, Apis. And plus, I really need to think about where I place myself in Egyxos. I was lucky enough to even still live after that incident with the basketball.

Kefer came rushing into the room and was heavily panting.

Kefer: Ra needs you all

Leo: We'll be right there

Cleo sits herself up and I help her to her feet. She wobbled for a bit and stood up properly. We all follow Kefer to the throne room and Ra was waiting patiently for us.

~ ~ ~

Ra: How are you feeling, Cleo?

Cleo: Better now, thanks to Osiride.

Ra: That's good to hear, and I thought you guys should know that your training shall be with Leo when you are fully healed

Cleo: Really! Thanks, Ra!

Ra: Oh, and one last thing

Cleo: What is that?

Ra: You'll need this

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