What has happened to Cleo?

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This was an amazing day! Anubi had asked me marry him and said yes. I'm over the moon happy and I couldn't stop replaying the moment in my mind. I was in my happy form in the training arena fighting with everything I had and defeated every single obstacle.

Cleo: Best. Day. EVER! Whoo hoo!

Apis: You've defeated every obstacle in this arena and you're in a good mood. I guess I can't complain

Cleo: Whoo hoo! Yay! Hee, hee, hee!

Kefer: How goes the training, Apis?

Apis: Take a look at her mood, that should give you an answer

Cleo: Nothing can ruin my mood today, yay!

Kefer: What's got you in such a good mood today?

Cleo: I just . . . I can't . . . I'm in too much of a good mood to say

Leo: She's engaged to be married

Cleo: Leo! I hate you so much right now that no human language can describe it!

Apis: Who is this man? Do we know him?

Cleo: Very much so!

Kefer: Let me guess, is it Anubi?

I nod with energy and bounce around on each foot and fly up into the air by tornado spin. I do a weird pose once I finished and once Anubi walks in to the arena and spots me, he waves and I fly down at such speeds that I knock him over.

It was like Christmas, Easter and my birthday all happening on the same day. I was the luckiest woman alive and nothing could ruin my day. I was like a little kid again and I guess that my happiness was catching on, because when I got up everyone was laughing and smiling.

~ ~ ~ ~

Ra: Has Cleo's father given you the blessing to marry her?

Anubi: I asked her father a week before today and he gave his okay. When she told him this morning, he was amazed at the sudden proposal.

Cleo: Yeah, and I was amazed when I saw him kneeling beside my bed when I woke up this morning with a ring and box in hand. He even gave us a blessing to get married and this day cannot get any better!

Ra: You have my blessing to get married too

Cleo: Scratch that, this day did just get better. Thank-you, Ra!

Dancing around the room gave me a sensation that I've never felt before. This sensation gave me even more happiness than before and now I was doing thongs all over the room.

Leo: You look amazing, Cleo!

Cleo: What do you mean?

Leo: Take a look at yourself

When I did, I saw that the top half of my outfit had changed into some white silk top that extended down to my ankles. My boots that I was wearing also changed and I could tell that the pigtails had also grown in size.

I could tell that the stone had evolved to an upgraded version of the original pink one I had on. I landed back down on the ground and twirled around to show off the whole outfit. This day just keeps getting better and better by the minute.

Guard: Exaton is attacking the gates of the city! We need help!

Cleo: That brought my mood down

Kefer: Let's go!

~ ~ ~ ~

As we continued to fight, the princess form I was in (that's what I named it), was weakening and changed over to a different fairy form just to give this one a rest.

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