Meeting Exaton

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I ran out of the room and made my way back to the pond where I always seemed to find myself. This place was calming and I was glad to be back in the garden. I sit by the pond and let the tears fall out. Family has always been part of me and I loved every member that I knew. My friends were also considered family because I always had great times with them.

Unknown: Cleo

Cleo: Who's there?

Unknown: Look into the water

I looked into the water and saw a blurry image of a woman who reminded me of my mother. As the image was becoming clearer, I saw that it was my mother.

Cleo: Mum

Mum: Hello, my darling girl. Please don't cry, for I know you miss me so much and I miss saying goodnight to you before bed

Cleo: I just want you to be here with me, Mum. I miss you so much and I want you to be with us

Mum: I know and I want to be with you as well, but that is not to be

We continued to talk and it was nice to be talking with her again. Mum was the only person on earth who I loved the most. She understood me and when her time was up, she faded from the pond and I stretched. I walked back into the palace and everyone was at the entrance.

Cleo: What's up?

Leo: There you are, Cleo. We were so worried

Cleo: I'm fine, I was just in the garden

Kefer: Thank goodness. I think its best of you two head home today, and I will send someone to collect you if you're needed

Cleo: Won't our bracelets do that for us?

Kefer: It will depend on what happens

When I arrived home and back in my bedroom, Dad walked in on me like he owned the place or something. Like seriously, knock first. I could've been changing or something. A little curtsy goes a long way you know.

Dad: Where'd you go?

Cleo: Out

Dad: Why didn't you notify me?

Cleo: You were talking with the crew

Dad: You still could've notified me

Cleo: Why did you walk in here?

Dad: I was wondering if you wanted to do a few night shifts with me at the museum

Cleo: Sure

Dad: We'll leave later this afternoon

Cleo: I'll get ready now

~ ~ ~ ~

Dad and I left for the night shift routine and when we arrived, the place looked barren than it usually was in the day light.

Dad: I've got to have a look at a few things, wonder around and have a look at the place. Also . . .

Dad handed me a walkie talkie to hang on to.

Dad: Just so I know where you are and keep me updated

Cleo: Sure thing

I was walking around the museum and looking at the exhibits, when something glistened and caught my eye. I turn to see an Egyptian section of the museum. It was a dream come true. I couldn't have imagined anything better than this.

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