16 | motley crüe

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That same night, Nikki came home to Nicole sitting in the living room with a stoic expression crossing her face

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That same night, Nikki came home to Nicole sitting in the living room with a stoic expression crossing her face. "Baby, are you okay?" He asked as he took off his jacket.

"I saw Vince today." Nicole spoke nonchalantly.

Nikki clenched his jaw. "His baby girl has cancer." She continued before Nikki could say anything remotely rude about Vince.

"She's dying, Nikki." She told him.

"Fuck, man." Nikki sighed, taking a seat next to her on the couch.

Nicole turned her head to look at Nikki. "I'm pregnant, Sixx. I took the test this morning." She continued to speak emotionlessly.

Nikki shot straight up. "Don't fuck with me, Nic." He narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"I'm not." She furrowed her brows at him.

"Oh my god!" He exclaimed, joyfully, then embraced her tightly.

"Nikki, how the hell are we supposed to be parents while we watch Vince's daughter die in his arms?" Nicole killed the mood.

"She could pull through, Nic. And it's rare it would happen to our baby. It sucks, I know. But you have to be happy that you got pregnant. Some people can't do it as quickly as we did." Nikki presses a kiss to her forehead. She nodded and accepted Nikki's words. It did suck. It sucked seeing someone else suffer while she and Nikki finally got the happiness they deserved after all of that darkness they had went through.

* * *

The band was suffering on tour without Vince as the lead. No one was attending the shows. All the whole, Mick's bone disease was accelerating and Tommy's wife broke up with him because he was caught cheating. Oh, and Elektra Records dropped the band from their company. The band seemed like they were losing their minds at that point.

And only a few months later, Vince's baby girl died.

* * *

"Heyy, Nic. You're looking good!" Tommy greeted Nicole. She came by to visit Tommy since he had been dumped by his wife.

"You too, Tom. I'm digging the new haircut. It looks hot." Nicole chuckled as Tommy took a moment to rub her growing belly.

Nicole entered Tommy's house. "So when are you and Sixx gonna finally get married?" Tommy asked, laughing hysterically.

"After I push this child out." Nicole snickered as she put her purse down on a nearby surface.

"What's up, Nic? Why'd you want to check up on me all of sudden?" Tommy inquired.

"Because I wanted to make sure you're okay after Heather left you. And I'm gonna need you, Mick and Nikki to grow some balls for once." Nicole crossed her arms.

"What?!" He exclaimed.

"You three need to go talk to Vince. The band is absolute trash without him. And he needs you guys the most right now." Nicole told.

Tommy was quiet for a second. "Whats in it for me?" He asked.

"You get your fucking brother back." She spoke sternly, her face serious and unwavering.

Tommy gulped and nodded. "I'll talk to Nikki."

"No need, he already knows. You two just need to go get Mick." Nicole told as she grabbed up her purse, readying herself to leave.

"O—oh, okay..." Tommy obliged instantly. And with that, she left.

* * *

Not even the next day, all four of the boys were back together in the studio. All they had to do was talk to each other. Soon enough, they were back on the road with their complete band, selling out arenas and releasing bangers again. They played together for another twenty years, all four sticking together.

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