4 | best fucking band

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The next morning, Nicole woke up to her phone ringing

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The next morning, Nicole woke up to her phone ringing. She scrambled out of bed to answer the wall phone. "Hello?" She spoke, her morning voice quite hoarse and sluggish.

"Hey, Nic." Nikki's sweet voice could he heard over the phone.

"What's going on, Sixx?" She asked.

"We found a lead, Mick Mars. He's kinda old but fucking good at guitar. And Tommy knows this singer, Vince Neil. He's pretty, so that's good enough to get the girls to come out to the shows." Nikki had a glimpse of excitement in his voice.

"You have to come see us jam out together for the first time, Nic. Next week." Nikki was practically begging.

"I've got to study for my finals. It's my last semester of college, then I've got to apply for law school." Nicole sighed.

"Please, Nic. It's just for a few hours. Then you can get back to studying. After this I promise I won't bother you until the semester's over." Nikki pleaded, he really wanted Nicole to be there.

"Only for a few hours, okay?" She bit the inside of her cheek, feeling compelled to go see him.

"Yeah, I promise." He told her over the phone.

* * *

Nicole got to Nikki's apartment pretty early. When Nikki opened the door, she engulfed him in a hug; she was truly glad to see him after that seemingly long week. "I told you we'd start at two." Nikki chuckled.

"I had some extra time on my hands." She shrugged once she let him go from her hug.

"Well, no one's here yet... you wanna play?" He pointed over at his bass guitar. He had an extra one sitting aside, possibly because he had known Nicole would've wanted to play as well.

Nicole cracked a wide smile at him. "Of course." She hurried over to one of the guitars and pulled it on.

Nikki followed pursuit and readied the other one on his own body. Without hesitation, Nikki began to play a song he wrote and Nicole instantly caught on. She could play just by hearing the chords once, it was a very rare talent only some musicians had. The two jammed out for the entire song, until it came to an end.

"Wow, it's been a while." Nicole ran her fingers over the cords of the guitar.

Nikki smiled over at her and watched her as she looked down at the guitar. Her entire appearance was definitely unconventional for the guitar she was holding. Her professional pencil skirt and white blouse certainly didn't match with the blazing red guitar that hung across her shoulder. It was quite a hilarious sight to Nikki.

Nicole and Nikki rid themselves of the guitars and took a seat on the couch. "I fucking hate school." She admitted, turning over so that she could lay her head in Nikki's lap.

"Then don't do it." Nikki shrugged. He was always the one friend that encouraged Nicole to do bad yet exciting things.

"My mom would kill me." Nicole snickered, imagining what life would be like if she could actually do what she wanted.

"You're graduating in a few weeks," Nikki shrugged, "if you don't want to do law, just don't apply."

Nicole sat straight up and turned to Nikki. "How am I supposed to take care of myself? If I don't go, I won't get a decent profession to make good money off of."

"If this band blows up, I'll take care of you. Anything you need, I'll get it for you." Nikki snickered, doubting he'd ever get rich enough.

"You were always an extraordinary dreamer." Nicole punched his arm.

"What if we make a deal?" Nikki lifted up his pinky, knowing that it was their thing to take pink promise contracts seriously.

"What's your offer?" Nicole folded her arms across her chest.

"If my band does well over the summer, you don't go to law school. If it doesn't, you go to law school and you don't have to see me ever again." Nikki's face darkened, as if he were serious.

"You're betting it all on this band? Who's already," Nicole checked her watch, "now twenty minutes late to their first rehearsal?" She giggled.

Nikki nodded. "Okay, then. Deal." Nicole interlocked her pinky with his, sealing the deal.

Suddenly, Nikki and Nicole heard a couple of cars pulling up to his apartment. "Let's see what this band is all about." She flashed a smile at him, her typical crooked smile that would make anyone smile upon seeing it.

Nikki grabbed her face, almost sandwiching it, and looked her in the eye with a wide smile. "This is gonna be the best band you've ever fucking seen." He laughed.

Nicole grabbed his wrists and pulled his hands off of her face. "You better hope so."

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