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It was the band's first show, and they had finally came up with a name the night before— Motley Crüe

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It was the band's first show, and they had finally came up with a name the night before— Motley Crüe. They were backstage at the Starwood, preparing themselves to go on stage. They had the whole package: costumes, a good set, and a great list of songs to play. "You're missing something." Nicole told Nikki as she narrowed her eyes at him, trying to figure out what it was.

Nikki looked down at his outfit, trying to figure out what was missing, too. "I got it." Nicole snapped her fingers then began to dig in her purse. She pulled out some eyeliner and raised it up to show Nikki.

"I've already got some on!" He pointed at his eyes to show her.

"Come here," Nikki obeyed her and brought his face close to her, "I hope you trust me." She chuckled as she began to paint black streaks under each eye.

It looked pretty cool to Nicole, but she didn't know how Nikki would react. He hurried over to the mirror when she was done, then nodded in satisfaction. "Sick." He verbally expressed his approval of the makeup.

Tommy walked over to the judge the new look as well. "That's gnarly, dude." Tommy slapped Nikki's back.

Vince hurried into the room, flaunted his new white leather pants. "Man, my girlfriend spent, like, 800 bucks on these leather pants. You like 'em?" Vince squatted in them and stretched all around the room in them to show them off.

"They're cool, bro." Tommy fed Vince's ego.

Nikki began to drink straight out of a whiskey bottle and Nicole snatched it out of his hands. She handed him a comb to tease his hair a bit, instead. "You think there's gonna be anyone out there, tonight?" She asked him.

"I hope so, I mean we put up enough flyers." Nikki shrugged as he reached back for the bottle.

Nicole took a sip from it before handing it back to him. "Well, I'll be in the crowd. Bye, boys." Nicole waved everyone off before heading off to the join the audience.

* * *

As soon as Motley Crüe entered the stage, the crowd remained silent. "Alright! We're Motley Crüe!" Vince shouted into the microphone.

Just as Tommy was about to play his drums, one of his cymbals fell over. He scrambled to pick it back up, but people already began to boo them. "Come on, boys! Let's rock this hole!" Vince ignored the booing and Tommy got it together in the back.

They all began to jam out, but the crowd was still not feeling it. Nicole stood off to the side, watching carefully how people reacted to them. "Who's the chick singer?" Some man in the crowd shouted so that Vince could hear.

"Fuck you, asshole!" Vince shouted back at him.

The man then spit on Vince's white. leather. pants. And suddenly, Vince looked like he was about to kill that guy. Vince hopped off of the stage and began to began the man in the crowd. Nikki used his guitar to slam it against that same man's head and knocked him out instantly. The entire crowd began to fight, and Nikki hopped off of the stage to join in. Tommy jumped into the crowd to instigate some more while Mick stood, continuing to riff on stage. Glass was being broken on each other's heads and punches were being thrown left and right.

Nicole stood far enough so that she couldn't get into the midst of it, but at one point some man that was fighting Tommy back up into Nicole, and almost knocked her over. This pissed Nikki off and he hurried off to drag the man off and beat his ass. Security rushed in and escorted the audience members that were fighting, then threw Vince, Nikki and Tommy back on stage. As soon as they all stood back up on stage, the crowd that remained slowly approached the stage. Then, they began to cheer. "Fuck yeah! Motley Crüe!!" One screamed.

Then, the show began again. This time, the audience lively and excited.

* * *

Later on that night, things seemed to have come full circle with Nicole and Nikki. She handed him a bag of ice to cover his bruised eye with. "If you get into a fight every show, you might not make it past 30."

"If I have you to give me ice after every show, maybe I'll make it to at least 35." Nikki snarked.

Nicole rolled her eyes and took a seat next to Nikki on his couch. "You beat that one guy's ass for no reason." Nicole snickered as she recalled.

"He hurt you!" Nikki retorted.

"He barely bumped into me. You act like he was about to murder me." She snorted.

"Whatever, Nic." He scoffed, trying to conceal his slight embarrassment. He hadn't realized the guy had don't nothing to her. From the corner of his eye, it had looked like he purposefully shoved her.

Nicole pulled out a pack of cigarettes and handed it over to Nikki, offering him one. He took one gladly, and she took one for herself. She lit both of their cancer sticks, and they enjoyed the toxic smell together. "Nicole." Nikki gained her attention.

"Yes, Nikki?"

Nikki felt his heart swell just at the sight of her. He wanted to tell her that he loved her and that he wanted to be more than just friends. But, he feared that she didn't feel the same way and if he admitted such things it would only drive her away. So, he merely replied: "I'm glad you're here."

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