14 | mrs. sixx

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14 | MRS. SIXX

Nicole skipped Tommy's wedding, she needed a break from taking care of Nikki and she knew Tommy would keep a close enough eye on him while she was gone

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Nicole skipped Tommy's wedding, she needed a break from taking care of Nikki and she knew Tommy would keep a close enough eye on him while she was gone. She was tired of being his mother.

But she was wrong.

And she realized it the moment that she got a phone call starting with, "is this Ms. Jenkins? We're calling you about Mr. Sixx."

* * *

Nikki had overdosed. The one fucking time she left him in another city, away from her, he had fucking pushed it over the edge. The hospital had taken care of him and were idiotic enough to let him leave literally hours after he had been treated. She took the next plane to get to Nikki, and when she finally saw him again at him, she caught him shooting up in the closet all over again.

She saw him laying there, needle still in his arm, nearly dead again. He was just as pale and just as thin as before, but he wasn't breathing. Nicole screamed a throaty and inhuman scream. She dropped to her knees and crawled over to him to rip out the needle from his arm. She lifted his head and placed it in her lap. "Nikki!" She screamed over and over again as she shook him.

She slammed her fist, angrily against his chest over and over and over again, until finally, Nikki shot up, gasping for air. Nicole began to sob loudly and she grabbed his face and pressed it to her chest. "You're killing me, Nikki!" She spoke between her sobs.

Nikki looked scared and he looked up to Nicole, who was still holding him close. "I—" he began.

"I'm done, Nikki! I came here as fast as I could after they called me, telling me that you overdosed and died for a few seconds on the ambulance. And I find you here?! Laying on the ground back to the thing that almost killed you!" She shouted at him.

Nikki felt a pang in his heart. He had felt exactly what she was feeling when she had overdosed himself. And he felt guilty. He knew that he was going to lose her for good if he didn't do anything about it right away.

So, the very next day, he checked himself into rehab. For himself, but mostly for Nicole. It was breaking her seeing him shoot up everyday.

* * *

One year later, Motley Crüe was entirely clean and they were back in the studio making music. Nicole felt liberated and happy, knowing that Nikki was finally clean and she didn't have to worry about him almost dying every night of her life. She was glad he finally moved on from that dark place, and Nikki was genuinely appreciative that she stuck by him through it. He couldn't see himself with anyone else. No one else loved him that much that they'd stick by his side through his darkest times.

Nicole had pulled up to the studio and met Nikki outside in the parking lot. "Baby, you gotta hear this new record!" He exclaimed as he leaned his head down into her car through the window.

"I'll be up in a sec, Nikki." She snickered at his excitement. It was as if it was the band's first time performing again.

"I can't wait that long." Nikki chuckled and opened her car door. He pulled her out of the car, with the engine still on and everything.

The two hurried down the hall until they finally got to the door of the booth they had booked. He stopped before entering. "What is it?" Nicole cocked her head, trying to analyze his face to see if it'd give away the surprise.

Nikki turned to her and smiled. He grabbed her and pulled her in for a sweet kiss, in which she gladly enjoyed. "I love you so much." He told before finally opening the door...

To an empty booth.

"Where is everybody?" Nicole half heartedly laughed, seriously not getting the point.

"It's for us!" He chuckled.

Nicole peeked into the recording booth and spotted two bass guitars set up and ready to go. Nicole turned to look at Nikki with a suspicious gleam in her eyes. "You wanna play?" He asked her, gesturing for her to enter the booth.

She nodded and hurried into the room. She swung the guitar of her shoulder and readied herself. Nikki walked behind her to grab something out of her view and when he came back, he had the biggest smile stretched on his face that Nicole had ever seen. "What?" She asked as she lightly plucked one string on the guitar.

Nikki got down on one knee and pulled out the engagement ring box. The same one he showed to her so long ago. Nicole's heart skipped a beat. She instantly took off the guitar, knowing exactly what was coming next. "Nicole Jenkins," Nikki took a deep breath before continuing, "will you—"

"Yes!" Nicole interrupted him and threw her arms around him.

Nikki laughed and took the opportunity to kiss her before proceeding to slide the ring on her dainty finger. "It's about damn time, Sixx." She sniggered, pushing his hair out of his face.

"Nicole and Nikki Sixx. Sounds pretty badass, don't you think?" Nikki smirked at her.

"I think so." She winked at him.

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