Part 8

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Shouto's POV

"I miss Izuku, Fuyumi." I sigh thinking of the sweet little omega. I hope he's alright.

"Shouto, I'm sure he'll be fine. He seems like a very capable omega." My sister said, holding my niece Shina. "Why'd you leave him if your so worried about him.

"I wanted to give him privacy during his heat, I also wanted to see you and Shina of course."

"Well you've been here for two days already, I suppose you can go home if you're that worried about him." Fuyumi suggested.

"No, I won't do that. I planned on spending time with my sister and her new family and that's exactly what I'm going to do." I hug Fuyumi and pick up Shina, whilst pulling out my phone.

"Who you calling, Shouto?"

"Bakugou, I'm gonna ask him to go to my apartment with a bag of my workout clothes I left at the office. It might help Izuku." I say.

"Are you sure that's a good idea. Izuku's in heat, he's vulnerable. What if Bakugou tries something." Fuyumi's eyes glistened with worry.

" We are put through extreme training to control ourselves around omegas. I did just fine, right before I left to come here. And trust me, Izuku was very enticing." I say. "Besides I trust Bakugou. He may be hot headed, but he's smart. I doubt he would do something he would regret, and if he did, I would kill him."

"Alright baby bro, you sound like you know what your doing. Go ahead." Shina started to squirm in my lap, so I gave her to her momma.

The phone rings five time before Bakugou picks up.

"What." He answered me rudely as always.

"I need a favor." I said, then told him my plan.

"Fine, your lucky you called someone with some self control." Bakugou grumbled.

"That's exactly why I called you, Bakugou." I said, I really did trust the Alpha. He even has a code for my apartments keypad, as I do for his. We may act like enemies, but we truly do trust each other a lot.

Bakugou's POV

I can't believe I'm doing this. That shitty bastard making me do this, all because he's mushy over some omega. And since he doesn't wanna leave his precious family, I have to do the dirty work.

I go into his office space to get the stupid bag, even sealed you could still smell the stench of sweat. Any omega in heat would swoon over such a smell. Probably why Todoroki wanted me to bring it to the omega. I never did get a name.


I put the pin in the keypad and as soon as I open the door I am bombarded by the smell of omega arousal.

Shit. That's good. I have to stop myself from drooling.

"Oi, omega. Where are you." I call out to him, following his strong scent. There's a rustling sound, then out of the corner of my eye I see a green blur. I'm then suddenly tackled to the ground, knife to my throat.

" The fucks wrong with you." I yell at the knife wielding man. The scent was stronger now, he's the omega.

"What do you want from me alpha, who are you? Did he send you? Did he send you here to kidnap me." He had a crazy look in his eye, but I could tell he was afraid.

" I don't know what your talking about, but can you please get this knife away from my neck. As hot as this position is." I lifted my hips a little to emphasize what I meant. He blushed, his heat making the slightest touch to that area sensitive, whimpering at the feeling.

" You can't seduce me alpha, I have more will than you think." The omega huffed out. As scary as he looks it's still adorable.

" Listen, I'm Bakugou Katsuki. Todoroki sent me here to make sure you're alright. He also told me to give you something."

" And what was that." The omega had moved the knife away from my neck, but still held it tightly.

" If you let me go, I'll show you." The green haired man leaned into my neck and took a long wiff, the fuck was he taking in my scent for. I know he's horny, but he was threatening to stab me just a second ago.

" Ka-kachan." He mumbled, as he began to climb off of me. " Is that really you." He called me Kachan. Where have I heard that name before. Then it hits me, my mom's friends son used to call me that when we were little kids. I used to call him something, I can't seem to recall it. I know it something mean though.

" Deku." I say, when I finally remember. " That's what I used to call you."

" It's Izuku, Kachan." He said angrily. I had wanted to correct him, like he did to me. But a part of me liked him calling me that dumb name.

" Here, Izuku." I handed him the bag with Todoroki clothes in it. " Take care. I'll let Todoroki know your alright."

" Thankyou, Kachan. Sorry for pulling a knife on you." Izuku apologize.

" It's alright, you were just protecting yourself. But if you ever do shit like that again, I'm blasting you into next week." With that I'm out. I message Todoroki, and make my way home.

Izuku's POV

I can't believe I just did that. It's not completely my fault though, I was afraid that he might have sent Kachan. I only wish that I recognized his scent sooner. I was terrified, losing everything I care about. My friends, family, Shouto. What he did to me may haunt me for the rest of my life, and there's nothing I can do about it.

I take the clothes, Kachan gave me and added it to my nest. I get comfortable in it before I burst out in tears. I don't wanna be hurt by what he did, but I am. I wish that never happened to me, I wish that I was stronger, and I wish that Shouto was here.

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