Part 1

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Izuku POV

I came to the relization many years ago, that I couldn't become a hero. I was quirkless and an omega. I didn't let that stop me from helping others though.
After graduating a regular highschool, I joined an organization inorder to help others. This organization focuses on training omega's, in order to help alphas relax. There are to programs. One that focused on a certain type of relief. And another that focuses more on comfort. Since I'm a male omega, my boss thought I would be better in the comfort devision.

Todays my first day at a new job, I'm now 21 and have been working this job for 3 years. Yet, I still get nervous sometimes.

I knock on the door, my ears flatten against my ears when it opens.

"May, I help you." The man behind the door has half white half red hair. And mismatch eyes, with a large scare over the left one. He's ears are areflection of his hair, very slick and clean.

"Ye-yes. My names Izuku Midoriya. I'm here to help you relax." I say.

He sighs "I thought I told them not to." He sounds annoyed. "I'm sorry, my job said that I needed this but I don't. They pre payed I believe, so you can go on your way. Sorry for wasting your time."

He's closing the door when I stop him. "Wha-wait. I'm sorry that you don't really want me here, but I still need to do my job. We can just talk of you like."

"Fine." he says.He opens the door back up and lets me in. My ears perk up at this. "Come on don't just satnd there." I follow him inside.

He brings me to his living room and we sit on the couch.

" Names Todoroki Shoto. I suppose I should give you a chance." Todoroki-kun said.

"Well, Todoroki-kun. The organization I'm part of an organization that helps alphas. Mainly those who are heros. I'm apart of the comfort devision, your agency called me here to help you." I say, giving him the whole spiel.

"Huh." Was all the bi colored hair boy said.

"If you don't mind me asking, do you know why they wanted you to do this?"

"They just think that I'm to stoic, need to take things back a bit."

"I undersatnd that, hero work can be tuff. If you still want to do these we can start." I said, I hope he doesn't kick me out. He looks like he needs this.

"Sure what do we do exactly?" He asked, he turned his head to the side alittle, clearly interested.

"Well, we could just seat here and talk. Groom each other, pet each other. I do purring therapy, which based on last clients; is nice. We can scent each other......." I begain to ramble.

"Scent each other? Isn't that only something mates do?"

" What is this 100 years ago. I joke around with Todoroki-kun. Sure scenting is mostly done by mates to eachother, but it can also be platoinic we don't have to if you don't wan't to." I say, reassuring him.

"Can I pet you, Midoriya?" Todoroki-kun asked.

"Sure." I lean my head over to him, and flatten my ears to give him more access.
His hands makes its way through my curly head. Massageing my scalp, it felt nice. He then went to the base of my curly ears. Lightly scratching them, causing me to start purring. My eyes are closed, and I'm no longer sitting up. Probably resting on Todoroki-kun's lap. He then starts fondling the rest of my ears, it's very calming. Even though this is to help alphas relax, it feels great for the omega's to. To get attention and comfort.

Then Todoroki-kun blessed me by scarching under my chin, causing me to purr louder. I roll over on to my back, to give him access to continue. Nuzzling into his stomach, he smells nice.

"You enjoying that, Midoriya?" The alpha asked.

"Very much." I say, still purring quite loudly. He's now also scratching between my ears. "Thats niiiiiiice." I sigh put, this is really nice.

"This really is relaxing." He says.

"Isn't it." I'm almost drooling. My alarm goes of, the session is almost over. I sit back up, and stretch.

"Hmm." I clear my throat. "The session is over, if you enjoyed this I can come again."

"I would like that, I'm free this day next week. Can I get a contact for you." He says.

"Ya, I'll give you my work number." I
I put it into his phone. " Let me know, okay?"

"Of course. Thankyou for that." Todoroki-kun said.

"It's my job after all." I say as I head out the door. This was a good job, I liked this.

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