Part 21

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~ I know what you looking for, and I'm not that guy and I'm not that type, twilight you haven't seen before, cause I made you up, just to live it more. ~
Kelsey's POV

The day ! Yes, today is the day we're going on a tour, and I can say I'm a bit distracted, for the past two days, I distanced myself from Colby, because of what my mom said, and I think he's getting a bit pissed about it.

"Hey! Let me get that luggage." He said as he tried to get my bags, "no, I can do this." I said and throw the bags into the closet of the RV.

"What's happening to you?" He said, I didn't look at his face, I just looked down but I can feel that he's mad, like really mad,"nothing, I'm just gonna go and wait for Dev." I said, and then tried to get off the RV, but he make a run for the door and closed it,"this isn't nothing, you've been like that for the past few days, what's gotten into you? You barely speak to me, you barely text me back, I can't even find you often inside the house? And we're living in the same house! What's wrong? Tell me!" He said with a high pitch of tone at the end word, I sat down the small couch with a table and breath out, "it's nothing." I said.

He brushed his hair with his fingers crazily and looked at me, "this isn't nothing! Your not like that! Tell me! Do you still want this relationship or no?" He said getting his voice really really high and mad, I looked over to the window, I'm not used to hear him this way, I'm not used to hearing him get mad, and I can sense a sadness on his voice, "tell me!" He held out, I got startled, and I'm really getting a bit teary, and then I answered, "I- I don't know.", he stomped his feet and yelled, "what do you mean you didn't know!", tears started to run down my face and I'm hiding it behind my hair.

"Just say YES! Or NO!, how can that be so hard! If there is something, tell me! What did I do wrong? What's wrong with me?" He said I can hear him sobbing in every word, but I continue to look over the window and hide my face from him.

"Maybe- Maybe we need a break, I can't keep up with this, if you don't want to talk, don't talk. You know where to find me." He said, taking his bag pack and making his way out of the RV. The moment I heard the door closed, I broke down crying, I can't, like, there's nothing wrong with him, I'm the one who got a problem, and I can't take it, hearing him say those words ripped me apart.

As I cry myself, the door opened and he came in running over to me, he held me up and hugged me, "I know there's something wrong, I know you're dealing with something, why can't you just tell me about it? Why can't you trust me with it, you know I'm always here for you, you know how much I love you, and I'll listen to you no matter what. I love you so much Kelsey. I can't leave you, I'm so sorry I yelled to you, I'm sorry I got mad at you. I'm really sorry baby." He said as he tightened his hug, I can hear his heartbeat, I can feel the tension in his body from crying, I burry my face onto his chest while crying, his rubbing my back while saying, "everything's gonna be alright baby. Tell me everything when you're ready, I'm willing to wait." And with that, my world stops.

Its only me and him.

To be continued.....

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