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It's been another month. My wedding is in a month and I'm not sure I'm ready. Lola has done most of the planning. I'm spending more time with Regina since I'm helping with the baby. Today I was at home with Freddie. He's meeting Aubrey for the first time. Lola was upstairs working from home.

"Mummy is Regina coming over today with the baby" Freddie asked excitedly while jumping onto the sofa.

"Yes sweetie but you have to be careful with the baby" I say while pulling him down to sit on my lap.

"I will" he says as he hugged me.

"Good boy. She will be here in a minute" I say holding him in a hug. The front door then knocked. "Or now" I say a little surprised.

Freddie jumped up and ran to the door. I giggled as I chased after him. I opened the front door to see Regina bouncing the crying baby in her arms.

"Hey. Can you help please? She won't stop crying" Regina says as she quickly holds the baby out to me. I took Aubrey and bounced her while rocking side to side. Soon she started to stop crying. "Screw you. How did you do that" she asked stepping in.

"I've had practice" I say while bouncing the baby gently. "Come on in" I say stepping out the way.

"Thanks" she says with a smile at me.

Regina came into the house. Freddie hugged her tight and smile brightly. She bent down and hugged him back. I then heard a creak on the stairs. I looked round and saw Lola stood there glaring at Regina.

"Hey" I say looking up at my fiancé.

"Hey. I came to ask if you prefer for the rehearsal dinner coral or salmon" she asked not looking happy at all.

"I don't mind" I replied with a shrug.

"Just pick" Lola says frowning hard.

"I don't care what colour" I sighed as I looked round at her.

"Just pick" she frowned hard at me.

"Coral" I say picking any of them since I don't care.

"No I prefer salmon. We'll go salmon" Lola says before walking back upstairs.

"Whoa" Regina said looking a little shocked.

"Your related to her" I sighed while walking toward the lounge.

"But your marrying her" Regina says with a chuckle.

We sat down and Freddie was stood in front excitedly at me.

"Can I hold her" he asked looking excited.

"Ask Regina" I say laughing at his excitement.

"Can I" he asked calmly now to Regina next to me.

"Yes. Of course. Come sit down next to me and you can hold her" Regina says smiling softly at my son.

He sat down next to her nice and calmly. I stood up and walked around to give Freddie the baby. I moved a pillow under his arm to support her head. I then placed the small baby in his arms and squatted down in front to support him.

"Mummy look I'm doing it" he says smiling brightly.

"Yes you are. Well done baby" I say smiling at my happy son.

"I'm gonna go to the toilet quick" Regina says while standing up.

She left the room and left the door open. I then heard Lola's voice outside but I can't hear what she's saying. I looked back at Freddie quickly and put my arms under the baby.

"I'm gonna take her back for a few minutes and then I'll give her back ok" I say as I lift her up.

He nods and stayed sat in his position. I went to the door and heard Lola was talking to Regina.

"Look I came here so Freddie can meet Aubrey. I'm not going to ruin your wedding" Regina says sounding annoyed now.

"I don't care if we are family. She's mine. Not yours. I know what your like Regina. If I don't warn you now then I know you'll crash my wedding some how. If you do I will destroy you" Lola warned in an angry tone.

I looked through the door frame to see them looking at each other angry. Lola more Han Regina.

"I told you I'm not going to. Anyway what the fuck you going to do" Regina asked as she crossed her arms and frowned harder.

"You don't have your big sister to protect you no more Regina. I have more power than you anyway. You can't beat me" Lola says with a smug smirk on her face.

"I don't need power and I don't need my big sister. I'm capable of doing it myself. Just back off out of my business. I'm not the type of girl who will ruin a wedding. Emma wants to marry you. I'm not going to turn around and tell her not to because she's going to be happy with you. If you have a problem with me being friends with her then your either so far up your own ass you can't see what's actually going on or your worried because you find me intimidating. Neither look good so back the fuck off... aunt Lola" Regina says using nothing but attitude.

"Don't try me Regina. I will win. I love Emma more than you and she loves me. I already won. Just keep the fuck away" Lola warned before she turned around and walked back up the stairs.

So my fiancé just threatened one of my close friends but Regina just took Lola's ass done. I wasn't expecting that. I looked back to see looking at the ground. She wiped away what I think was a tear from her cheek and sighed softly.

"Why doesn't my life just get easier" she asked now looking up at the ceiling.

I watched her turn around and walk towards the bathroom. I'm still shocked. Regina was right though. Lola is so worried about me and Regina being friends. My wedding is in a month and I know marriage won't make her better. It will make her worse. I don't want to see what Regina would do if Lola made it worse.

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