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"Emma. Welcome back" April says as she held her arms out.

I walked over to her and hugged her. She kissed my cheek each side before pulling away. I saw Regina stood by the door near her looking shy. I smiled slightly at her and she returned the gesture.

"Let's see the fresh tat" the girl with blue hair says as she stood up to see me.

"Chill Jade. Let's get downstairs and meet everyone" April says as she laughed at jades excitement.

"Sounds good. Also" I replied with a smirk. I lifted my sleeve up to show my new 'tattoo' to them all. "There"

"Looks neat. Did it hurt" Regina asked looking over at it.

"No. I can take pain" I smirked as I looked over to her.

"Well that should come in handy. April shall we go" Regina says first looking at me and then looking at her sister.

"Yeah let's go" April replied as she lead the way out of the room.

Jade followed behind and then me and Regina. I looked down to see her staring at my wrist. She must have felt me looking because her gaze raised to me.

"Did it really not hurt? Are you really that good" she asked curiously as she looked at me.

"Why don't you believe me" I asked smirking down at her.

"I never said that. I simply asked" she replied with a slight smile on her face.

Before we could talk more a pair of doors opened. April and jade walked in one after another. Regina then too the lead and went before me. As I entered the room I saw it was empty. It was like an office. I thought we were meeting people. My heart started to pick up the pace. What if they caught me? Am I going to be killed? What is going on?

"First Emma we must go through some rules. My rules" April says as she sat down on the chair the other side of the desk.

She nods her head slightly to the seat in front of her. I went over and sat down. Jade sat next to me since there wasn't a seat next to April. Regina went and stood against the wall behind her sister. She always seems to stand. How strange?

"So rules" I say as I made myself more comfortable.

"Rule one. Leave no girl behind. If one falls you go get her. Got it" she says now in a stern voice.

"Got it" I replied with a nod.

"Rule two. Always carry a gun. If you don't have one you can't borrow from anyone and your screwed"

"I always have mine"

"Good. Rule three. You mess with anyone and they'll hurt you back. Simple right? You fuck with Regina and you'll be in big trouble" this time April's voice was very stern and serious.

I looked up at Regina and she nods slightly like she was ashamed of it. I've noticed before a scar on her lip. Maybe someone here did something. I'll ask her later. That will be away to identify her though.

"Sounds reasonable. Don't worry. I don't mess with my own" I replied with a slight chuckle.

"Good. Those are my rules. Ow and don't get killed but that's obvious. Are my rules a problem" April asked now sitting up straight in her seat.

"Nope. Shouldn't be. Any thing else" I asked now sitting forward to be eye level with the woman in front.

"Yeah. Load up your gun. We're going out. Picking up a package you could say and if they don't give it all we kill" she stood up and pushed a load of bullets to me. I watched as she loaded her gun and got ready to shoot. "This will be fun" she smirked.

I saw Regina move in an uncomfortable position. She looked like she wasn't into this at all. April handed her some bullets and she quickly loaded her gun. Now hiding she is uncomfortable but I can still tell.

"Let's go" I say as I pull the ejection port back to get ready. April smiled and walked towards the door. Jade followed behind also excited. I was walking as I saw Regina following behind looking at her gun worried. "You sure you want to do this" I asked over my shoulder.

"What? Ow yeah. Of course I do. I've done it loads" she shrugged as she placed the gun in her inside jacket pocket.

"You look nervous" I questioned now slowing down to be next to her.

"I'd just rather be upstairs asleep right now. It's too early for me" she replied with a slight chuckle and an eye rub.

"It's not that early" I laugh.

"It is for me. I don't like mornings. I'm a night queen. Not a day queen" Regina says cutting me off.

"If you say so queen. So where are we going"

"To get the drugs for tonight's party. We sell them here for doubt what we pay for just because April had killed half there employees when they try lifting the price"

Regina had that same look. The look like she hated all of this. I know I'm probably being crazy but I see it in her eyes. She doesn't want to be here or do this. I don't think she's ever killed.

"Sounds decent. What does she do with the profit" I asked curiously to the girl next to me.

"She gives it out evenly to us all. She'll obviously keep a little bit no more or less than what we have" Regina replied softly with a slight smile her sister does something good.

"So has everyone here killed someone before"

"I think so yeah. It's not what we do unless we have to. April does the most"

I feel bad Regina doesn't realise she's telling all of this to a detective but it's my job. She seems sweet though. A kind hearted person. She definitely hasn't killed multiple people like she says. Maybe none unless by mistake. She seems innocent. I wonder why she hides? Why she acts like she's a criminal? If she's even a criminal or not? I will find my answers. One way or another.

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