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Addison wakes up late from sleeping in and walks into the kitchen

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Addison wakes up late from sleeping in and walks into the kitchen. She spots her dad sitting on one of the stools and reading some work papers on the table. He looks up and greets his daughter. They chose to go to Pop's to have a filling lunch before they go to the South side.

It was about one o'clock when they made it to the curb in front of Southside high. They didn't mind the walk after dropping their car at home, being cautious to not get their car towed or get a ticket. It was March, so Addison wore a sweater because of the still chilly weather. Aaron adjusts the strap of his guitar that he brought for the time as they come closer. They walk up to FP and Jughead, who were on the curb, in front of the rest of the protesters.

-Sweet Pea-
I look on both sides of me and see Fangs playing a card game with Dennis and Toni on my other side painting her nails. It just turned one and we've been here overnight now. Honestly I'm not sure how long we'll stay here, the protest started a few days ago. I look up to Toni who nudged my side and see what she was looking at with a smile. I turn to see Addison with her dad talking with the Jones's. I try to ignore how fast my heart beats when she looks back at me. What the hell is she doing here?


Addison sees Sweet Pea looking at her after patting Jughead on the shoulder and turned to her dad, trying to hide her smile. They hug as Aaron understood she would sit with her friends while he sat with FP. After the older Jones fixes the chain around him, Aaron begins to tune his guitar.

Toni blows on her nails, keeping an eye on Addison as she weaves her way through the serpents, watching as she smiled and greeted them as she went. She could see her friend's eyes look towards Sweet Pea, so Toni slid further away from him. Before he could question it, Addison stopped right in front of the serpent.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" Sweet Pea asks and slowly stood up from his place. Addison rocks back and forth on her heels. "I'm here to help Southside high." She says. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Addison nods. Toni slowly gets up and the two girls hug. "I'm doing this for you, the serpents, the Southside and for my mom." Toni picks up the chain between her and Sweet Pea, and wraps it loosely around Addison. "Thanks Toni," Addison says to her close friend as she sits down between the two serpents. She purposely sits closer to Sweet Pea, their knees touching as they leant against the school fence.

She made jokes with Fangs, leaning over Sweet Pea's shoulder and Dennis, a younger boy who looked somewhat familiar to Addison. Then when time went by, Toni braided her hair as they talked about school and an upcoming play happening there. She and Sweet Pea talked too. A lot about school and the next movies they should watch during their study halls. Despite them being at a protest, the group had a lot of fun being together.

As it started to get dark, Addison and sweet Pea were left alone by Toni and Fangs who were talking to others around them. He looked down at her as they got to talking. "So you said you were here for your mom?" "Yeah, she used to go here," Addison tilts her head towards the school. She sees the confused look on his face and goes to explain more. "My Mom's name was Lucille Hudson but people would call her Lucy. She was like best friends with FP in high school and met my dad one day at Twilight Drive-In who went to Riverdale high." Sweet Pea recognized the name and his eyebrows raised in surprise. FP and people at the Wyrm would talk about how Lucy was so amazing and so many other things and how unfortunate it was of her passing. He could see her mom in Addison by only knowing a little about her. "Do you want to see a picture of her?" She asked, excited to share about her mom. "Of course," he replied and moved closer to her even though they were already side by side. She unlocks her phone and swipes through some pictures to see a photo of an old picture of her mom. She showed it to Sweet Pea and he could definitely see the same brown eyes and hair that she got from her.

"Hey she's got her serpent jacket on!" He says and they both chuckle

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"Hey she's got her serpent jacket on!" He says and they both chuckle. "Yeah. This was from a date her and my dad went on. He was a photographer for our school and brought his camera with him. This is one of the pictures he took." Sweet Pea looks over to Aaron who was talking to a younger serpent, allowing him to try to play some chords on his guitar. He looked up and gave Sweet Pea a warm smile after returning to the boy next to him. He was pleased to know how nice and caring Addison and her family has been.

It was now later in the night and Aaron was back with his guitar. He got the group's attention, instructing them to sing along as she started the beginning notes to Rocket Man by Elton John, a song he would always sing and play to his daughter. Most of the group laid down and sang the song as Addison looked over to her friends. Toni was starting to fall asleep and Fangs was quietly snoring next to Sweet Pea. He noticed this too and they both quietly shared a laugh.

All of a sudden, they felt their fingers touch. Addison looked down and decided to link her fingers with his. They look at each other and smile, holding each other's hands between them. He runs his thumb against her knuckles and the two of them watch the scene in front of them with butterflies in their stomachs. They join in on the next chorus as the group all sang together, illuminated in the dim streetlight that hang from above their heads.

[A/N: eeeeek!! Happy Friday guys! This week went really fast for me holy cannoli. Anyways, I hope everyone has a good weekend. Make sure to vote, share, and comment! Thanks everyone!]

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