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It's been about a week and a half since the Black Hood made his first appearance. Pop told Addison to take it easy but she denied and said the diner needed more help than ever. Everyone except herself quit and left her and Pop Tate to hold up the fort. Luckily, the night before, the Vixens helped raise money for Pop's and things were back and running smoothly.

Addison clocked in after Pop's shift after school and put on her apron to work, careful to not touch her stomach in the process. Switching her boots out for her skates, she ties up her hair and heads to the front.

Business was slow, half of the usuals were there. Some were students she could recognize, the others were busy working on grading papers and writing emails. Hours go by and the cycle of people coming and going starts to end. Addison sits on the counter to put her boots back on and take off her apron.

It is ten minutes before closing and the diner is completely empty. Only the sound of the clock ticking and Addison's fingers on the counter tapping filled the space. Addison had some extra time to finish her homework and is now watching the rain outside. She gets up to sweep the floor, seeing there won't be anyone else coming to the diner. She takes her phone out to check her messages and sees a few from her best friend, Jughead.

She laughs at the funny pictures he sent and texts one back. Addison puts her phone down and turns off the lights inside the diner. She finally makes her way outside and to her motorcycle. She twists the keys and rides down the quiet street to her empty home.

At least she thought she would be alone.

In a lot of cases, when someone makes an unwanted visit or breaks into your house, they don't bother to close the door all the way. Just that small sliver of alarm to those who come home. Normally people take it as a sign as they are not alone. But for Addison, there was none. No cracked door. No lights on. It was just how she left it before.

So how would she know that someone else was on the other side of that wall?

She walks in with a bag of leftovers from the diner, turning on the light and putting it on the counter. But as she turns around, she drops her keys on the floor to see her living room trashed. And then she sees him. Just like she did in the diner. Those green eyes and that
black hood. But before she knew it, he ran out of her house and into the dark unknown.

What the fuck just happened? She thought. Trying not to move anything around, she calls the police for the break in and then calls Jughead. As she waits for him to answer, she looks around her home to see many things tipped over and broken. "Hey Addison, is everything okay? It's pretty late."

She takes a shaky breath. "Um is it okay if I stay with you for a little?" Her hands were shaking. "Of course. What's wrong?"
"The Black hood broke into my house. I just called the police but... I don't feel safe knowing that he can get in." There was a pause as Addison walks around her house. "I'm at the Whyte Wyrm. Do you want me to get you real quick?" She says yes and starts to grab a duffle bag to pack. "Okay I'm on my way. Are the police coming?" She looks at the time on her phone, but there was no need once she hears the sound of a police siren. "They're  coming. Shit! I should call my Dad." They end the call and dials for her dad who was all the way across the country. It broke her heart to hear him worry and not be able to see her. The sirens became louder as the police arrive as Addison finishes packing some clothes and books for school. She sees Sheriff Keller starting his way up the stairs to the door.

He, and a few other policemen come in to investigate the damage. Addison stands by the door holding her bags as the sheriff asks her a few questions. She gives him information as thoroughly as possible and he writes it down on his notebook. Soon she hears the rumble of Jughead's motorcycle. He steps off and Addison goes to him.
They enter the Whyte Wyrm, Addison still with her bags in hand. Her eyes tired and her hair was a mess. Jughead gently pushed her towards the bar, which the girl behind it let her keep her bags there so they were safe. They both sit down. Addison could feel all of the eyes there on her. "Jughead, who's this?" The girl with dyed streaks asked. Addison looks up at her as Jughead introduces her to the girl, Toni.
"She's going to be at sunnyside for a little bit." The girl nods and smiles more to make Addison feel more welcome. All she felt was tired. "What time even is it?" Jughead looks at the clock seeing it was about 11. "It's late. Do you want me to take you to the trailer park?" She nods and tucks her hair behind her ear. Toni says goodnight after they exchange phone numbers and they head to the door before two figures block the door.

Addison looks at Jughead as says something to himself about the guys in front of them. She looks up to see the two serpents from the fight the other night. "Listen Tall Boy, I have to go somewhere right now" "Jughead, I can just walk back" "Not over here you're not." Jughead told her before he had some things do do with the serpents. "Sweet Pea," the older man says, "Take this northside girl to the trailer park." She watches as the boy named Sweet Pea rolls his eyes. Jughead says something to him she couldn't hear and puts a hand on her shoulder before disappearing into the crowd of those in the bar.

He jerked his head towards the exit and she follows him. "Look, I get this isn't how you wanted to do with your night" he scoffs and she glares at him. "But, thanks for taking me to Jughead's."

They get to his motorcycle along the many others. She adjusts her backpack and then wraps her duffle around her so it won't fall off on the way. It was a nice model, it wasn't shiny, just worn from its use. She could see a small snake on the side facing them. Sweet Pea gets on and starts the engine. Addison gets on behind him. She hesitantly wraps her arms around him, and soon enough they speed away from the Whyte Wyrm and to Sunnyside trailer park.

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