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Putting the keys into the lock, Addison came home after cheer practice, still in her workout clothes

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Putting the keys into the lock, Addison came home after cheer practice, still in her workout clothes. She sighs and plops her duffle onto the couch and goes into her fridge for something to eat. She takes an apple and some chips to her room. She closes her door to her room and shrieks when she sees someone else there. She immediately grabs the baseball bat by her door and aims it at the intruder. Once she realizes who it was she put the bat down and hits his shoulder.

"What the Fuck Sweet Pea? How'd you even get in here?" He blocks an incoming hit from her and holds her hand. "Sorry to scare you, your dad let me in." He sees her in leggings and a sports bra. She had to repeat what she was saying for him to hear it. "Sweet Pea, I asked why you came over?" She slowly waves her hand by his face to get his attention. His eyes go back to hers and he scoots over on her bed. "I wanted to see you and maybe hang out. I would've called." She spots his phone with a black screen next to him. She leaves her room to her duffel and brings it back in, opening it to reveal a charger. He thanks her as she hands him the cord.

Luckily she cleaned her room before she had practice but she saw her valentine still taped to her mirror. She turns back to Sweet Pea who once again apologized for just showing up to her house and said it was fine. She went to her dresser to grab new clothes until Sweet Pea got up and went over to her by her mirror. "Addison," she whipped her head around after hearing him call her by her actual name.

His hand was reaching down to her midriff, she looked down with it to realize that her scar was exposed. She looked up at Sweet Pea, whose brows were drawn together. "What-What is that? What happened?"

She takes a deep breath and looked at the boy in front of her. He came closer and gently touched her scar, right where the bullet went. It sent chills down her spine, and not just from thinking back from that dreadful day. "It was like a regular day, summer was almost over, I finished putting food on at Andrews's table, and I was wiping down the counter. The bell rang and I turned to welcome a new costumer. Before I did, I saw someone with green eyes in all black with a black hood covering the rest of his face." She looks down at her scar, noting how it was slightly pinker than the rest of her skin. "I couldn't tell what he was yelling, but he was yelling at Pop Tate with a gun waving in his face. I went in front of Pop to protect him and he started yelling next to me. I saw him aim his gun and jumped in front of them. I heard a gunshot and then another after I fell to the floor. Pop called an ambulance and I saw him leave with nothing in his hands. But I can finally relax now that he's dead." She watches him closely as he sits back down on her bed. "I had no idea you went through that." His voice was almost a whisper.

She sat down facing him and nodded. "Did you know the people he was going to shoot?" She shook her head. "And you did that for complete strangers?" "Yeah. If there's any chance to help someone, I do it. My mom did that too."

The two continued to talk after that, laying against the wall on her bed. Sweet Pea chuckled when he saw his valentine on her mirror and then more when she tried to push him off the bed. Even after her telling him a scary and tough part of her life, it brought them closer and it made him see how selfless she was. From the first appearance of the Black Hood, to her helping a young serpent that Fangs told him about, to even trying out for the Vixens for Toni who was nervous to do it on her own. He never experienced getting hurt like she did, despite being in a gang where fights and violence occurred. But Addison appreciated him listening and how concerned he was even after her physically and emotionally recovering from it.

Sweet Pea's phone goes off and he looks at the contact to see that Fangs was calling him. He looks at Addison and she gestures to his phone. "Go ahead, I'm gonna shower real quick." She slides off the bed and grabs her clothes. When she closes her bathroom door, Sweet Pea answers the call.

"Hey Fangs"
"...Hi Sweet Pea. Am I interrupting something?" His voice was kinda off and Sweet Pea sat up.

"No you're fine. Is everything okay?" He hears Fangs sigh on the other line.
"He stood me up."

"Aw Fangs I'm so sorry. That's a shitty thing to do. Do you want me to come over? I can see if Toni or Addison ca"

"Toni's at a sleepover with Cheryl. But yeah, if you can call Addison that sounds good."

"Oh, I'm actually over hers right now. I can ask her in a second. Hey do you want me to bring the usual?"

"Definitely. Thanks bud."

"What are best friends for?"

As he hangs up, he hears the water shut off and he puts on his jacket. He knocks on the door. "Hey do you wanna see Fangs? He's a little bummed right now." He backs up when the door opens. Addison was dressed in sweatpants and a plain black tee shirt. She was still drying her hair and asked "Is he okay?" She puts her towel back in the bathroom and Sweet Pea starts to pull his hood under his jacket. "He got stood up. I was gonna get him some ice cream and bring it over." Addison slips her shoes on and grabs his hand, turning off her lights. " I have emergency cookie dough ice cream in the freezer. Hang on." She opens it up and pulls out a carton; it didn't even have the plastic off yet. "Sweet. Okay, let's go cheer him up." They close and lock her house door behind him before racing to their motorcycles and speeding off and to their friend in need of some love.

[A/N: hi this chapter makes no fucking sense and sucks but here ya go. Even though it sucks, it helps bring together things later on. Anyways, I  hope everyone is having a good week and spring break for some of us (my school is on crack and had it a month ago). Make sure to vote, comment, and share. I hope everyone has a good Friday (pun intended) and holidays along with earth day! Stay cool 😎]

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