prologue- boarding the ship

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For the videos, just click on it even if you can't see it. It'll go along with the scene. Usually. Song: Southampton
Anne Styles (yes, it's styles in this book), her son, Harry, and his forced fiancee, Mohamed 'Moe' Hadid, were holders of a first class ticket. Harry was a lover of all things artistic, but Moe and Anne only cared about being rich. Anne had lost her husband, Desmond, to cancer, and was left broker than before. Together, the three of them stepped out of the carriage and boarded the boat.

At a bar, Zayn Malik and his best friend Niall Horan were playing a game of poker trying to win their mates, Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson's tickets, although they were third class. Of course, Zayn and Niall were successful.

"We're going to America!" Zayn and Niall excitedly jumped up and down.

"The ship leaves in five minutes." The bartender informed.
"We can make it!" Zayn reassured, as they both ran out.

Immediately after they boarded the ship, they went to their room.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Zayn protested as Niall put his stuff on the top bunk.
"The name's Zayn Malik." He shook hands with his roommate.
"Where's Tomlinson?" The roommates questioned as the boys left the room and ran up the the deck.

Zayn excitedly waved goodbye to all the people. After the boat took off, he stood on the railing and cheered. "woohooo! I'm the king of the world! Wooooohooooo!"

Harry settled in his room, finding a place for each of his paintings.

"You and those finger paintings again" Mohamed retorted.
"That's the difference between my taste in art and Moe's taste in art." Harry protested. He decided it was a good time to take a break and go out onto the first class deck.

Zayn sat on a bench with his sketchbook with Niall and a man they had just met named Ed (who was about to become Niall's second best friend once harry and zayn met). Zayn noticed a beautiful brunette curly haired man on the first class deck. He stared until it was quite noticed. Until he saw the man arguing and being pulled away by a tall, buff, long haired man. The twenty year old had never seen a more beautiful man in his life. Little did he know.
Mohamed was getting on Harry's nerves again. Always nagging him whenever he went somewhere without permission. Harry had enough of being forced to be somebody he's not. He didn't want to be proper. He wanted to be free to do whatever he pleased. Most importantly, he had enough of Mohamed. What 17 year old wanted to marry a 47 year old anyway?! Certainly not Harry.

I hope you all enjoyed this prologue. I'm going to work on chapters as often as possible.

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