Bullies [ fem-reader ]

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[ warnings: mild mention of self-harm/suicide attempt. It ends in fluff tho ]

[Y/N] stumbled down the hallway, her knee bleeding from the fall she took only a few minutes ago. 'Dammit. Those bitches...' She eventually let her tears fall slowly, finding a janitors closet to sit in, and breathe. 'And hide.'

This morning, some girls in her class decided it'd be funny to push her down the stairs, resulting in her bleeding knee and nose. [Y/N] had grabbed a few pieces of toilet paper to cover and stop the bleeding, but it barely helped. When she closed the closet door, she bumped into a rack, causing a glass vase that was used in a science lab project they had a few weeks back. The vase shattered against the floor, causing her to yelp. She kicked a few shards away, creating an opening for her to sit down. She cried softly in the dark janitors closet, her hands covering her face. [Y/N] slowly grabbed a piece of glass from the vase, and dragged it slowly to her bare forearm. Soft whimpers escaped her mouth as time went on. After a few minutes of tearing, she placed some of the toilet paper covering her knee to her newly wounded wrist. When it dried, she placed her head on the wall and slowly started to fall asleep from crying so much and the blood loss.

[ Sean ]

'Are you fucking kidding me.' Sean was selected to grab all sorts of wonderful cleaning supplies to help clean the bathroom he ruined with his friends a couple class periods ago. He didn't plan on getting caught, but a school security guard heard the loud laughs and squeals from the boys. He waited patiently outside, and smirked at the boy's expressions when the exited. So now he's here, walked slowly to some random Janitor's closet and retrieving supplies.

He eventually, and finally, reached the designated closet and opened it, fumbling on the wall for a light switch. When he found one, he wish he hadn't turned it on. There, lay a [h/c] girl, unconscious and bleeding from multiple spots on her body. Sean felt absolutely sick to see someone just laying there. What would of happened if he didn't get in trouble? Sean quickly walked over to her, slowly but successfully picking her up, and speed-walking to the school nurse. When the nurse saw the girl, she motioned him to one of the beds, and Sean slowly placed her down. The nurse was contacting an ambulance, while Sean stood there stunned of the situation the universe put him in.



When she awoke, the sound of soft beeping and the cold air on her skin was what she took notice of first. She opened her eyes slowly, and then tried to pull her body in a sitting position. Once she was up, she turned her head around, taking in her surrounding. 'So white.' [Y/N] looked on the small cart next to her and noticed a card and a lunch tray. She took the card and read it slowly.

'[Y/N], I don't even know what to say. As your mother, words can't express how guilty and horrible I feel for letting this go unnoticed. If your reading this, that means your finally awake. I'll be coming to visit every single day. We'll figure out what to do, I promise. Everything is going to be okay. I love you.'

Steady tears went down her face. The words her mother said jabbed at her heart, and all she could think was 'I'm sorry.' If she hid better, this would've never happened. 'If they didn't find me, this would've never happened.' Her mother didn't have to know. She wasn't supposed to know. How did she know? Who found [Y/N]? Why did they do this to her? She suddenly heard the door click, and she turned her head towards the sound. There, stand a boy about her age, standing with a small bouquet of flowers and a card. He just stood there for a second, not seeming to know what to do. [Y/N] sat there quietly, before finally splitting the silence.

"Do I know you...?" Was all she said, starting to fumble with her fingers.

"No...and I don't really know you either. Besides that your name is [Y/N]." This statement startled her, and she backed herself away from him on the tiny bed, showing her discomfort. "I found you. In the closet I mean."

Her eyes flashed with anger and sadness all in one, as she glared at the boy. She turned her head away from him after a few seconds, not being able to meet his gaze. She heard his feet shift over to the bed, as he placed the flowers and card on the tray next to the bed. "I-uhm. How are you feeling?"

"What's your name?" [Y/N]'s gaze fell back to the brown haired boy, looking at him in the eyes.

"It's Sean," he said, placing his hands close to the girl, but not touching.

"Well, Sean. I guess...I should thank you." She paused, feeling herself slightly tear up. "I guess I should also say I'm sorry. You shouldn't of been dragged into all of this...Sean." [Y/N] enjoyed saying his name. It made her heart flutter just a bit, knowing he's the one that had found her. She originally thought she would have only hatred with whoever had found her, but when she looked in his eyes, she felt only pure joy that it was him. Maybe because it was someone her age? Or the fact he had actually visited her in the hospital. 'This boy is so damn sweet.'

"Ah, don't cry, please. It's okay." Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around the girl. The way she carried herself screamed touch-starved. So it was the only thing he could think of in the moment. Sean pulled her close and held her tight, rocking from side to side in an attempt to comfort the girl. She cried on his shoulder, eventually falling back asleep from the warmth and comfort of the boy. He placed her softly on the pillow, hesitating before giving her a soft kiss on the forehead.

"Everything will be okay."

1,050 words
not edited

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