babysitting [ fem-reader ]

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[ A/N: idk if x readers decide age;;;;; but reader is 18 here, hope it's chill 🐁 ]


"That is so not fair!" Sean rolled his eyes at his father, angered.

"Hey! It also wasn't fair when you started beating our neighbor when I wasn't around. This is just precaution to make sure you don't screw up with your brother around," Esteban said, putting on a jacket. "Now, I'm going in town to work. They couldn't tow the car for whatever reason, and I'm leaving when she gets here. She's a real nice lady, it'll be fine."

          "Whatever," Sean crossed his arms, sighing. At this point he'd given up on trying to get out of this. A fucking babysitter. I'm 16! This sucks. While Sean was sulking, Daniel was so excited to meet her.

"How old is she? Is she pretty? What's her name?" Daniel bombarded Esteban with questions, tugging his shirt to make him answer.

"C'mon goober, she's way too old for you. You can ask all of that when she gets here," Esteban gathered money from his wallet, getting it ready for the babysitter. They then heard a soft knock at the door, making Daniel's eyes light up.

"That must be her!" Daniel flew to the door, turning the nob.


[Y/N] woke up to the sound of her loud alarm clock. She was quickly sat up, startled by the loud noise. No matter how many times she'd wake up to it, [Y/N] could never get used to the sound. She stepped on the soft carpet below her bed, standing up to stretch. I feel so disgusting. She could feel the grease in her hair latch to her neck.

[Y/N] stepped out of her room, walking on the cold wood floor to the bathroom. She prepared a warm shower, getting the towels ready for after. Once inside, she scrubbed and cleaned herself, knowing she had another job to do today. [Y/N] was happy she found an easy job to do along side with school. Babysitting was something easy, and paid off well. Of course she did have her bad runs with kids, but the money made her forget.

She finished her shower, stepping out, and wrapping herself in a towel. Exiting the bathroom and going into the hall, she heard her mother in the kitchen, the sound of pans loud in her ear. She heard the TV on, and assumed her father was up as well. [Y/N] walked back into her room and got dressed in an outfit for the day, checking the mirror that it looked okay. She put on a bit of makeup, covering the bags under her eyes from the late nights of studying.

Once satisfied with her appearance, she stepped out of her room and made her way to the kitchen. [Y/N]'s mother was serving breakfast, while her father was getting comfortable in his chair. "Good morning, finally up?" Her mother grinned knowingly that she stayed up so long on the weekends.

"Mhm," [Y/N] couldn't muster another word, too tired and her mouth feeling too dirty. She sat down, putting her fork in her hand and began eating eggs. Her father and her mother where both wonderful cooks, but she'd choose her moms eggs over anything.
"What time are you leaving to go at their house?" her father asked, looking up from his plate and at [Y/N]. Her father was quite invested in her job, from knowing what house it'd be, the parents, the kids, and even pets. It made [Y/N] worry for her father, but she knew he'd never stop worrying.

"1:30," she said, eggs in her mouth. The flavor was perfectly balanced with salt and pepper, which made her want more and more. [Y/N] checked the clock on the stove, taking note that it was 11:49, giving her some time to relax before babysitting.  

It surprised [Y/N] that she didn't mind doing work on the weekends. It made her happy she had a purpose to do, and she'd be making money off of it. [Y/N] quickly ate the rest of her eggs and placed the dish in the sink, exiting back to her room. She placed her finger on the cold metal of her music player. The music came softly, but loud enough to hear. [Y/N] took her textbooks out of her bag and decided to finish the homework she was assigned. She placed the heavy books on the clean white desk, grabbing a pen and loose leaf. She sat in her seat and flipped open the math book to complete the assignment.

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