skating [ fem-reader ]

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[ reader can skate. if you can't, i apologize. hope you still enjoy. ]

[ y/n ]

          It was raining hard in Seattle Washington. The air was warm, but the droplets were cold. The grass was wet, the dirt was mud. If you stepped outside you were guaranteed to get your feet dirty. [Y/N] skated quickly home, hoping her board wouldn't get too damaged from the rain. She stayed after school, trying to bring her failing math grade up. To her luck, the rain decided to start pouring down on her.
         "Fuck!" [Y/N] yelled as she fell forward and smashed into the ground, all thanks to an evil pebble. She quickly got up and rubbed her face from the pain. She turned around to get her board, only to see a strange boy holding in a laugh while picking up her board. She glared at his smile and roughly took her belongings back. "You got a problem?" [Y/N] could not take shit from anyone again, especially after the long day with her math teacher.
          The features on the boy quickly dropped and he looked at the ground, his hand rubbing his neck. She recognized him from her classes. She tried to remember his name, but it didn't cross her mind fast enough. "No, sorry. I didn't mean it like that. You just flew so quickly-," he cut himself off as he held his hand over his mouth, trying not to laugh yet again. [Y/N] flushed in embarrassment and turned away, jogging back home. She couldn't meet his gaze, so she just ran. Stupid fucking kid with his stupid fucking eyes fucking watching me fall. [Y/N] inhaled sharply as she reached the door of her home, which wasn't far away from where the event occurred.
           [Y/N] threw her backpack onto the couch and grabbed snacks from a cupboard above a granite counter. She noticed a note awaiting her on the fridge as she was getting a drink. She tore it softly from the magnet and examined it closely.

         [Y/N], I hope you had a wonderful day at school. Your poor hard working mother is yet again going on another vast working journey. I left some money on the counter, beside the fridge. Please use it wisely if you need any sort of food for the week while I am gone. I'm trusting you, please stay safe
P.S: send me a text when you get this!
Love you! Xoxo
          [Y/N] laughed softly at her mother's note, setting her snacks down on the counter so search for the cash. Once she spotted the smelly greens, she counted it up. 100 total. 'I guess we are already low on groceries. Hopefully I can spend a little less so I can buy something I like.'
           She collected her snacks and put the money in her bag. She threw herself on the couch and began to finally relax in her empty, dry, and warm house. [Y/N] got her phone, texting her mom she got home. She then turned on the TV and stuffed herself full, her mind slowly drifting off.
          "You!" [Y/N] snarled in disgust at the boy who laughed at her yesterday. She found herself in a horrible coincident. Just this morning, she strolled into her biology class, seated in her regular spot. The stool was cold against her butt, and the fact she couldn't rest her back made her more groggy. The biology class she took was taken in a lab, so she never was able to rest in the mornings, unless she wanted her back to be hunched all day. The teacher walked in after the tardy bell, and began writing with an expo marker on the board. She wrote 'Project' on the board in blue, underlining it.
           "Good morning students, hope you're having a glorious Friday so far," she said as she turned around, pushing up her cat glasses. "I decided to let you enjoy your weekend, by instead of giving you homework, we're doing a project!" She clapped happily as students gave soft mummers. "Alright class. This project will be done with one partner. No more than two people will be working together. Now, the project will be due by the morning of Friday next week. What you'll be doing is taking picture of every amphibious and aquatic life form you can find. You can use the school printers to print the photos for next week. Now its partner time!" The teacher picked up a clipboard with a piece of paper on it, getting a pen. After, she peered back at the class. "Sorry, but last time I let you all pick partners, only half of the class had presentable work to share. So, I have taken the responsibility for choosing your partners. When you hear your partner, please sit next to them."
          [Y/N] sat quietly as she eyed her teacher. She hoped she didn't get some annoying ass dude or some lazy chick. She didn't mind meeting a new person, she just hoped to finish the project and not be the only one who did anything. The teacher bagan to call groups of two, checking off their names as she went. She heard her name called and looked up, listening to who her partner is. "[Y/N]'ll be paired with Sean. [Y/N] has an empty seat so just go sit next to her," the teacher looked back at her paper and continued to call out pairs. [Y/N] looked around, waiting for her partner to sit next to her since she always sat alone at her lab station.
           "H-hey," she heard from her side. She looked over and immediately her eyes narrowed.
"You!" [Y/N] said, pointing a finger at him, poking his chest. Her eyes narrowed and she quickly drew back her finger and looked away from him. What the actual fuck. So not fair.
         "Look! I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to laugh at you. I understand what it feels like to be laughed at for getting thrown off your board. I acted shitty. Can we start over?" Sean looked at her, as she faced forward. [Y/N]'s eyes widened at the explanation and his apology, feeling the corner of her lips pick up. He's sweet.
           "It's just really startled me. I was hoping nobody would see that. I shouldn't of gotten so mad. My names [Y/N] by the way, if you didn't already catch it from the teacher," she laughed and looked at her hands, her face heating up from talking to him. She didn't really understand why. Was she nervous because he saw her fall? What other reason could there be?
            "Well, I'm glad we can move forward from this, considering we're going to be partners for the next week," he smiled at her red cheeks and shyly looked away to the teacher.
           "I hope you're all happy with your partners, if there's any problems please tell me after class so we can address it. Now, I ask you to please meet each other for the weekend, this project will be easier if you do. You can handle who does what, when to meet up, and keep track of the animals you take pictures of. Now, time for the most exciting part of the class! Learning all about the lovely amphibians and aquatic life forms!" She exclaimed, turning to begin teaching.
          "Hey! [Y/N]! Wait up!" Sean came running, his board in hand. So he does skate...
          "Hey Sean, is there something you needed?" [Y/N] looked up at him, smiling slightly at being talked to.  
          "Hey, I was hoping we could exchange numbers...for the project!," he put his board on the ground, and placed his foot on the grip tape.
          "Oh sure! Here," [Y/N] quickly ripped a piece of loose leaf paper and scribbled her number down with a dull pencil. "Text me when you want to meet up."
          "Sure, thanks," Sean said, pushing himself on his board and began going home, giving [Y/N] a wave goodbye.
          [Y/N] was playing on her laptop on the Saturday afternoon, when she heard a text notification from her phone. She quickly grabbed it, hoping it was finally Sean. She's been waiting for his text, embarrassed at the fact she wanted a text from him.

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