Woods // Who Are You?

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"Sup guys. It's Woods here with a new vlog~"

That's all I heard before closing my office door. Woods was filming somewhat outside my office, which was hindering my work flow (basically, I don't do well with noise outside of music while working).

I've been working here for about a week now, but I know a lot of people who work here because of the vlogs. Woods was one that I watched a lot, mainly because he uploaded the most currently. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know I exist though. But that's typical. I'm used to not being known.

Quickly getting back to my work, I noticed my coffee mug was empty.

'Great...' I scolded myself mentally.

I got up from my desk with my mug and left my office.

I took two steps before bumping into someone, my glasses almost falling off but luckily my mug still in hand.

"I'm so sorry- Wait. Who are you?" I hear someone familiar ask. I look up to see Woods. Of course he'd say that.

"I-I'm new..." I whispered.

"Oh, well in that case, welcome! I have a meeting soon, but I'll see you around?" He asked.

"Y-yeah! See ya around!" I stuttered. Woods walked down the hallway, then down the stairs. I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding in.

'He's cuter in person...' I thought, before walking down the stairs and toward the lounge. I quickly filled up my coffee mug with black coffee and then went back to my office.


The work was going smoothly for the next hour. I got some editing down for Fail Time before Matt sent me a text.

Matt: Meeting in five? I want to introduce you to some of the staff while they're here.

I sighed before responding.

Gen: Yeah! See you then.


While walking up to blue base I felt nervous. I wasn't good at meeting new people, especially people I'd be seeing more than once.

While attempting to calm my nerves, I walked into the building and up the stairs. Making my way to Matt's office made my palms sweat and my heartbeat pick up its pace. 'Why am I so nervous?' I though to myself.

I opened the door to see a lot of familiar faces, which was promising, but also intimidating.

"Hey, Gen! Come sit down." Matt smiles warmly.

"O-okay." I stuttered, before making my way to the couch.

The people sitting in front of me were Cathrine, Tanner, Paul, and of course... Woods.

"So Gen, this is Cathrine, Tanner, Paul, and~"

"Oh wait! You're that girl from the office that I ran into!" Woods exclaimed. "It's nice to finally know your name."

"I wish I could say the same, but I've watched your vlogs before, so I know your name along with everyone else's...." I said awkwardly.

Woods laughed. "Well I'm glad you enjoy the vlogs. I think you'll be a great addition to the team."

"I told you so!" Matt said whole laughing.

"Okay, Okay. I see what you're saying." Woods laughed, along with the rest of the group.


AN: Part two?


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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