Paul // Soulmates (Part One)

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I woke up to the sound of Tanner bursting into my room. I mentally rolled my eyes and prepared myself for what he had planned.

"Y/n, come on we have to go!!" He whined as I sat up in bed. "I'm gonna be late for work and I can't leave you here by yourself."

'Oh yeah... I forgot about that...' I thought.

"You make it sound like I'm too young to stay home by myself..." I said as I got out of bed.

"I'm not letting you stay home today because you need to leave the house for once. I know dad's death was hard but-"

"We will not talk about it. Not yet..." I hissed. "I'm not emotionally ready for this."

Tanner sighed and looked down at the floor. "I understand. Just hurry up. We need to get there on time, okay?" I looked up at him with puffy eyes.

"Whatever. I'll be, like, five minutes." I mumbled, before shoving him out of my room.

"Jeez, woman-" Tanner said before I slammed the door in his face.

I walked over to my closet. My black skinny jeans and my flannel were calling my name today. I quickly put the clothing on and slipped my vans on.

I was about to walk out of the room when I noticed my dads worn out snap back sitting on the chair next to the door. I slowly picked it up and sighed. The black hat had ripped and faded over time, but it still looked okay so I decided to wear it. I didn't have to get over him anytime soon, so why not?

I walked out the door and down the stairs. I noticed Tanner sitting on the couch. His head snapped up and his eyes met the hat I was wearing. He gave me a sad smile before standing up and walking towards the door.

"Oh, by the way, I'm driving." He said before opening the door and walking out. I chuckled and followed him out to his beat up truck.

"Dude, you need to get a new truck." I chuckled. Tanner has always been attached to this thing.

He rolled his eyes "It hasn't failed me yet, so I'm keeping it." Tanner said before getting in.

I walked to the passenger side and opened the door. I hopped in as Tanner started the truck.

"Well then. Let's get going." He smiled at me. He put the truck into reverse and pulled out of the driveway.


Tanner pulled into a parking spot. He turned off the truck and sighed. I hadn't said anything the whole way here because, well, I was lost in the sea of thoughts that invaded my mind.

"So..." Tanner said, trying to come up with something to say before we take on the day. "I know you aren't feeling the best. I get that. I'm in the same boat as you, but in order to feel better we need to get out there. We need to do things and meet people. I know there's someone out there for you. And I know there's someone out there for me. We just have to find them." Tanner sighed, before looking at me.

I looked at him and smiled. "Stop being so sappy."

He chuckled. "Whatever."

He got out of the truck and waited for me on the sidewalk. I took a deep breath and got out as well. I walked over to Tanner and we began to walk together.

"As long as I'm not bombarded by people, I'll be okay. Make sure that you don't introduce me to everyone at once. I just want little doses here and there-"

"Y/n, I get it." Tanner chuckled. "Let's just focus on getting there."

Tanner walked up to an office building and opened the door for me. I quickly thanked him and walked in.

I noticed writing on the wall toward my right. It said 'Good Vibes Only'. It made the place feel more welcome.

Tanner walked up next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"You'll be okay. I promise." Tanner whispered in my ear. I looked up at him and forced a sad smile.

Tanner walked toward his office with me behind him. We walked through the door and I noticed Gunner sitting at his desk.

"Hey, Gunner." Tanner smiles and waved. Gunner looked up and looked at me. He gave me a sad smile and looked back at Tanner.

"Hey. How are you two?" Gunner asked, nodding his head toward me.

Tanner looked at me. "We're okay. I brought Y/n with me because I didn't want her to stay home by herself-"

"Tanner, I'm an adult." I said, giving him a playful glare. Tanner rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Anyway, Y/n's gonna hang out with us today, but she requested not to be surrounded by too many people at once. Also let's not vlog her unless she says it's okay."

Gunner nodded before turning back to his desk. Tanners phone went off. He picked it up and read the message.

"Paul is gonna be late. We may have to delay our GG shoot..." Tanner sighed. "C'mon, Y/n. Let's go tell Matthias."


"Hey Matt!" Tanner said while walking into Matts office.

"Hey, Tanner. What's up?" Matt said, looking at Tanner.

"So, Paul is going to be late and we will probably have to delay the GG shoot." Tanner sighed once again.

"Okay. It's not a big deal, but tell him to be here as soon as possible."

Matt noticed I was standing beside Tanner and gave me a confused look.

"Tanner, who's this?" Matt asked.

"Oh..." Tanner slowly looked over at me. "This is my sister. I couldn't leave her home alone today because... Well... I just didn't want anything to happen to her."

Matt looked at me and gave me a sad smile. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"It's okay..." I looked at Tanner once again. "...It's okay..."


I had been sitting in Tanners office for the past hour because he had to film a video for Rekt. It was around 1:45 when I heard the door open. The person who opened the door came in and walked directly to Tanners office. He was tall-ish, had brown hair, brown eyes, and a little bit of stubble.

I realized I had been staring and started to blush. I looked away, hoping he hadn't noticed me staring.

Something felt different. I wasn't sure what it was. It was a new feeling I hadn't experienced.

The man noticed me and approached me.

"Who are you?" He asked, looking confused. His voice felt comforting.

"I-I... I'm Y/n. Tanners sister." I stuttered, getting up from my seat.

"Oh. Well, hello then. Do you know where he is?"

"Yeah. I believe he's shooting a video for Rekt." I said. "And your name is?..."

"Paul. My name is Paul." He smiled, before walking out of the office.

'Well that was interesting...'

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