Paul // He Doesn't Know (Part Two)

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(Your POV)

Matt and I were sitting at the table in the orange base. We were waiting for Joey, Paul, and Bryan.

"I'm nervous, Matt." I said, turning towards him.

"I can tell. You don't have anything to worry about." Matt said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

Joey, Paul, and Bryan walked into the office.

"So, here's the plan." Paul said. "Y/n will walk into the apartment while the rest of us wait outside. Once Y/n's boyfriend starts to yell we walk inside. I'll stand in front of Y/n while you guys restrain him from doing anything else. Y/n, while we're taking care of him, call the cops. Then Matt will go outside and wait for the cops to arrive. Am I clear?" Paul said.

"Yup." Everyone else said.

"Y/n?" Paul asked. He looked at me with a concerned look.

"Y-yeah." I said.


Matt was getting closer to the apartment and I was quite nervous.

Paul noticed my fidgeting. "Don't worry, Y/n. We're here to help. I promise nothing will happen to you or the rest of us." Paul pulled me to his chest. I wrapped my arms around him.

"We're here." Bryan said. "You ready, Y/n?"

"Kind of?" I said.

"Let's go." Joey said, getting out of the car.

We all got out of the car and walked inside the apartment building. We started to climb the stairs towards the third floor.

We got to the third floor and I walked towards my apartment door. I unlocked the door and stepped inside, closing the door behind me. I turned on the lights and turned towards the living room.

"Surprise." Ryan, my boyfriend, whispered, smashing a beer bottle over my forehead.

I yelled. I could tell there was blood because I could feel it dripping down my face. He then grabbed my throat and pushed me up against the wall.

The boys burst through the door just in time to see me pinned to the wall.

"Put her down!" Paul yelled. He looked like he wanted to bash Ryans brains in.

"Why don't you make me?" Ryan said, turning around.

Paul walked up to Ryan and punched his jaw. Ryan staggered back, letting go of my neck. I gasped. Paul caught me before I fell to the floor.

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