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*Lilly's pov*

As I was waking up I saw the doctor and Cameron talking. "So how's the baby?" Cameron said, "The baby's fine but Lilly went down really hard on her head, so she might not remember anyone." "But soon enough she will wake up and she will eventually remember everything." Thats strange I mean I remember Cameron, but what baby? I looked up at Cameron, he saw my eyes open, and ran over to me. "LILLY!" Hugged me like there was no tomorrow. "Cam why did you ask about a baby?" A frown grew on his face, "Wait you don't remember?" "What!" I asked slightly impatient I sit there staring at Cam waiting for an answer.

*Cameron's pov*

I can't believe she doesn't remember that she's having my baby! I guess it's time to break the ice.

*Lilly's pov*

"Cameron what's the deal with his baby?" I ask slightly annoyed. "Lilly, your pregnant with my child, and your mom kicked you out, and slapped you in the face and now your here, we'll both of you." Cameron started to smile, I have to admit me having Cameron's child is amazing I mean he's a great guy and I love him and I know he's gonna be a great dad. "Thanks" Cameron starting smiling. "What?" I asked I guess I think out load a lot. "Yeah you do." Cameron said. I just starting laughing. "So when do I get out of here?" "Well we are going to have to keep you here for a while to make sure both of you, are ok." He said referring to me and my child. "Also, we are going to see how far along you are in your pregnancy and what the gender is." "I'm down with that!!" I said while Cameron just shook his head up and down. "While I best be going!" said the doctor. "Thank you so much" Cam said. "Your welcome." "Just be careful!" "I will!"

-------------------2 weeks later----------------

*Cams pov*

Lilly we get to go home today!" "I already signed the papers so let's go!"

"Ok,ok I'm coming pregnant girl coming through!" We both laughed. "Lilly I hope you know That I love you and our baby!" "Cam I know you do, I love you too." "It's just that we have school soon summer almost over and people are going to know that I'm pregnant!" "If anyone, and I mean anyone says something to you tell me and I will go beat them okay?" "Okay." (A/n lol thought u would but a bit of fault in our stars in there😂😂) I really love Lilly and that kid I won't let anything happen to them, not even Mary. "Cam I'm gonna get dressed I'll be right out!" "Kk lillypad" (that's her nickname cams is Cammy boo) After Lilly gets out of the bathroom we drive to my house. "Cam, where am I gonna sleep?" "Lillypad you can sleep in my bed or in the guest room." "Ok." "Wait!" "Did you tell your mom about the baby?!" I forgot to tell my mom!! "Um, maybe, I mean yeah." "Well Cammy Boo you can tell your parents while I unpack!" "Ugh why do I have to do the hard stuff!? I complained."Your not pushing 7 pounds out of you are you now?" "Fine!!" "I'll tell my parents!!

A/N I know this story is kind of boring but bare with me the drama and stuff is going to start soon I promise!!

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