Telling Cam

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* Lilly's pov *

I woke up this morning with a lump in my throat. I ran to the bathroom as quick as I could, but of course being me I didn't make it so I threw up in the hallway. My period should be coming soon I mean it was due yesterday but I didn't have it so I'll just wait a few more weeks. I'm sure it will come. Right?

----2 weeks later---

So I haven't had my period yet and it's starting to scare me. Just then a thought popped into my mind.." No!"" No I can't be pregnant" With that thought in my head I got my car keys and drove to the pharmacy. I looked through the isles then I finally found it. The thing that my life depended on, a pregnancy test.

If I was pregnant I wanted Cam there with me to find out. So I threw cam a text saying to meet me at my house and with that I threw my phone on the counter and waited for cam.

*Cameron's pov*

While I was brushing my teeth I got a text from Lilly

(C = Cameron L=Lilly)


L: hey cam can you come over?

C: yeah sure I'll be there in 10!

End of covo

I took my keys and drove it Lilly's house.


Still cams POV

I walked in to see Lilly throwing up.

"Lil!" " Are you ok?" I ran over to her and held up her hair. "I mean I could be worse." Lilly's favourite thing to say is I could be worse and before I could say anything else she said the unexpected. "Cam I think I might be pregnant."

*Lilly's pov *

"Cam I think I might be pregnant." As those words escaped my mouth I was staring at Cam waiting for him to start screaming and yelling and say he's leaving me, or saying he wants nothing to do with me or that I'm worthless, but all he said was.....

(A/N sorry for a cliffhanger😂😂 it felt like it was in the moment! Btw I'll try to update as much as I can I promise! I just have soccer and basketball🙈! I'll try to get 50 reads maybe? Have a good day / night where ever you are!😂

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