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(So I wasn't going to continue the story but I guess I will keep going.)

Lilly's Pov

---4 weeks later---

I woke up to see Cameron, my amazing boyfriend. I love him so much, even though I'm having his baby's I still need him to know I love him more then anything else, other than my baby's. Cam's eyes opened. "Hey Cam." He looked at me. "Oh hey Lilly." "I'm going to go get dressed." I got out of bed and looked at my humongous baby bump. "Jeeze little baby's do you have to grow anymore, I'm already after buying 10 new tops after I found out I'm having triplets!" "Hey babe are you getting in the shower?" "No I got in yesterday I'm gonna get in tonight." "Ok." Cam got up and went to the bathroom as I got dressed. After I got dressed Cameron's phone lit up. I read it from babe😘❤ "Who is this?" I questioned myself saying this isn't real life. The text said; Hey baby thanks for last night, well from 2:00am till 4:30am it was amazing can't wait until you dump that prego girl and we have our own kids, oh by the way, I love my ring. Love you😘😘. I started balling my eyes out. Can got out of the shower. "Babe?" "Who's your other babe?" "We're you just going to dump my sorry butt when I have YOUR kids?" "Oh we're you just going to dump me right now because your chance is to late, WERE THROUGH!!" I attempted to run but I couldn't so I just speed walked out of the house, and the only things I took were my purse phone charger and, Cameron's phone. I heard someone hollering my name, "Lilly!!" "Lilly come back!!" "Please!!" I kept walking to my parents house, I was still crying my heart out. "Your to good for him, No your not you have to go back to him, your having his kids, but he cheated on you." Thats all that was in my mind, it just repeated itself over and over again. Finally I was at my parents house.

Cameron's Pov

Ugh I made a stupid mistake, I went to a club last night with Taylor, I met this girl named Sarah i guess she changed her name in my phone and I proposed? We made this plan that I would date her instead of Lilly, I mean Sarah's pretty and smart an- CAMERON WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!! You love Lilly and those kids! At least I think? YES CAMERON YOU DO GET IT RIGHT!!

A/N So I wasn't going to continue with this story but I guess I will! Remember to vote and comment If u liked it!!

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