5 Months Later

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Camerons Pov
When I look at Seth, all I see is Tyler's face, his brown hair, and his smile, it all reminds me of Tyler. When I look at Bailey, I see Lilly but I still see a part of Tyler. The same brown eyes, brown hair, etc.
Lilly is now 5 months pregnant with a baby girl, we are going to name her Maria, Alexis, Dallas. I we were having a boy we would have named him Tyler, but we just found out yesterday that it's a girl.
We were getting the kids ready for school when I realized it was five months today that Tyler died, November 3, 2014. "Lil look at the calendar." I said, "It's been 5 months, hasn't?" Bailey said. I just shook my head yes.
Baileys Pov
So me and my brother Seth are 7 years old now and we miss our brother. Tyler used to be quiet but I mean he was still my brother. "Bailey!" "Seth!" "Let's go!" My mom hollered as we were leaving the house to go to school. It was a cool morning, there was no leaves left on the trees. Yet there was frost on the ground, you'd never think it was summer. We were driving around in the car singing to 'All about that base' when we passed the school and started driving somewhere else. "Mom?" Seth asked, "Where are we going?" Our parents looked at each other. "We're going to Disney!"
Seth's Pov
"DISNEY?!?" I hollered. My mom started to laugh, "Yes Seth, Disney World."
I can't believe we are going to go to Disney! "Awwww," my sister said "Seth has a soft side!" "I do not!" I snapped back, "I just wanna look at the hot princess in Florida." "That's my boy!" Said my dad as he high fived me.
Lilly's Pov
We were on the plane when the baby started kicking. "Cam!" I said, "The baby's kicking!" "Ladies and Gentlemen, please put on your oxygen masks, we are going down!" Announced the pilot. I looked over at my husband, then next to him my only son, then I looked to my left. My beautiful daughter, Bailey. She looked at me and just hugged me. "We will be fine." I said to her, "Mommy?" asked Bailey, "Are we going to die?" I looked down at my stomach, "I think we are ok." I said, "I love you." I said to Seth, Cameron and Bailey. And just then everything went black.

A/N this is the 2nd last chapter don't kill me for the last 1

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