Ninth of April

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Do you remember?

9th of April? 

Crimson sunset.. 
Flowers blooming,
A soft breeze dancing ...

And Suddenly You and I met on the boulevard.

You were wearing your red sweatshirt,

My favorite,

 For the life it brought to your white skin made you more vibrant and irresistible.
And I swear I had prayed  to see you that day, for every organ in me was dying slowly from needing and missing you.
And as soon as our eyes met,
My knees went numb, and all I could think of was running to your arms helplessly.
I could tell from your smiling rosy cheeks and your loving prominent eyes that you were somehow thinking the same.

 As we approached swiftly, you held my hand softly, electrifying every nerve in my body,
You asked me if I was fine, for you had had sensations that I had been sad. 

I didn't tell you that I had cried beforehand and all I had done that day was think of you..
I responded, that I hadn't felt great but at that moment I was fine.. and  beyond fine.
You smiled.

 And there was nothing more beautiful than that.

 No art, no painting more beautiful than you.

I could tell by the way your eyes lingered and the way you bit your lip that there was something you wanted to share...

Trust me, there were millions of things I wanted to share too. 

 Your hands clasped in mine,

Found their way back to your pockets again leaving my hands in the cold.

Then we each of us, went his/ her own way.

 Having fought the day before I was quite fascinated by what had just happened with me,

With Us,

 I wanted to glance back and look at you again. Look at my soulful masterpiece once again.

Coincidentally I caught you looking at me too.

 And as our eyes met for a final time.. 

I smiled to you

You smiled to me

Then we both got away

Away from each other... but somehow still closer to each other.

Ninth of April, 

A crimson sunset sky,
Along a very soft breeze... You and I met.
Ninth of April was the day you taught me how enormous Universe was. And how loving it can be.
Ninth of April was the day you made me realize that whatever colors your soul was made up of, mine too had the same colors.

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