People Don't Understand This

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Religion, Poetry and Politics
Economy, Psychology, Philosophy
Nothing will ever feel the same without you..
For there were thoughts I only thought about with you.
There were Ideas
So enchanting that they only belonged to us.
Now that you're gone
Every thought about these issues will cause me headache.
Every single word will get disoriented,
Every single idea will lose its meaning..
For you were the only one who understood my eerie explanations of the World.
People don't understand now,
That without you
I have no explanations to offer
No discussions to make.
Like a ghost here and there
I'm everywhere
Roaming aimlessly
I have got nothing to say.
-Suddenly in a heated discussion he asked;
"What will we do when we can no longer share our brilliant ideas together?
Isn't it scary that somehow distance will hinder our progress besides other inevitable life events?"

-There's nothing to worry. Our ideas are unified with our mother nature.
Everything happening around us will in a way or another, remind us of each other.
And when we fail to communicate just chase the breeze and stare at the stars.. They will talk to you about me and surely pass on your thoughts.

As the years passed,
Their constant communication ceased to exist..
All the ideas they shared evaporated in the ether...
And just when He missed their conversations and desired to talk to Her
He stared at the stars..
Knowing that on the other side of the world.. Somewhere in the dark
She was surely staring at them too.

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