All of Our Dreams Died

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Some people say our dreams are like stars,
Shining in the darkness far away..
Filling us with hopes
Promising us great possibilities with their crystal beauty..
They create a quench for another journey.
But unfortunately some of our dreams found their way into existence just inorder to cease to exist.

Because science says.. Many of the stars we see at night have actually died years ago..

Baby do you remember how you held me that night?
How we talked about the stars and the moon..
And how we wished upon the stars thinking it was the most romantic thing we could ever do...
Those stars we saw were so distant..
Light years away
Already dead and gone..
And the dreams we had were so lovely.. So heartwarming
Yet again so heartbreaking because some dreams were just born to die..
And baby yours and mine died long ago
Just like those tiny stars we saw..

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