Healer of Your Soul

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When the anger buried inside of you finally erupts, 

 A ferocious emission from deep down your soul, 

 I won't be sinking in your lava or complain by its sight...

Through all the rubble and ash..

                               Through all the pain that we have witnessed together I will stick by your side and help you pour out

 Every droplet of lava, 

Every inch of toxin

 That has been stuck to you and that has drowned and distorted everything you are.

I do no longer fear from your anger sweetheart,

Neither from your suppressed emotions, 

Nor the ache you try to disguise,

 Because I know

 I do surely know in the end,

 I will always be the thoughtful

 I will be the understanding, 

 The one who empathizes your pain 

 Maybe just maybe.. I was born to be a helper, a healer, a lover in this domain

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