Center of Gravity

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The immense force and pressure your alluring eyes exert onto my frail beyond bearable.

Now only now, I do realize that all the times that we have spent together 

I have been audacious,

Audacious enough to gladly dive into those sparkling pearls which angelically grinned to me every single time I glanced at them.

Oh Darling, you don't know

You don't know that I have lost everything I am

 And everything I could've been for them,

 For those empty sparks you have lit in there

 The ones which ferociously burned for every girl you knew.

Oh Darling, I'm here tonight... 

 To confess one more time

That I am a total mess.,,

And after all the efforts my mind has put,

 To burn the bridges that connect me to you...

 Your eyes, those venomous yet captivating eyes gravitate my whole being towards you. 

 And after all this time I have come to conclude that,

Your eyes are my downfall

 They are the center of gravity,

 At least my center of gravity

 Which compel me to fall for you again and again in a never-ending manner...


After an endless and heartbreaking fight, He sat by the window and got lost in silence..

He kept his gaze on her... reluctant to look away. There was a kind of yearning, inexplicable longing in those black beautiful eyes of his. There was also this Immense sadness that could burst into tears any minute.

She caught him gazing at her.

-Do you still wish to go on fighting?

He kept silently watching her to provoke her even more.

-Why the hell are you staring at me like that?

-Do you have any objection?

-YES HELL YES. Stop it. Stop it right now. Stop staring at me.

-I don't understand what the hell am I supposed to do? Everything I do lately is annoying you

- Now just stop staring at me

-I won't as long as it is annoying you

-Can you please stop staring?

-Why? Why are you doing this

-I can't manage to control myself when you look at me with those eyes.

-Which eyes? What do you mean? 

-I can't look at you when you keep looking at me like that.

-And I can't understand you if you don't say what you mean.

She felt a lump in her throat. There was this heat on her cheeks as well making it even more impossible to talk. Swallowing her emotions and neglecting the possibility that she might burst into tears, she finally said;

- Your eyes are killing me.

He couldn't whisper a word. He knew what she meant. She wasn't joking, neither was she fighting. He could see for the first time through her transparent soul, the ache she was hiding all this time. She wasn't happy either. Both of them were drowning.

Seconds.. Minutes passed they were still staring at each other, none of them talking.. There eyes already flowing with tears. Hot sour tears.

Maybe, none of them was completely sure, that their eyes were

 The downfall of each other. 

Their weakest spot.

Their Center of Gravity. 


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