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Harry's POV
"This is the Fencing Arena." She spike as we walked in. I look and see a bucket of swords. I smirk and grab two. I toss one at her, she squeaks and moves out of the way. "Come on lass." She looks at me. "You can't be serious." "Pick it up, lass." I hold out my sword. Her eyes widen. She shakily picks up the sword.

She looks at my stance, and copies it, but not as firm. I take a swing, she moves at the last second. "Yer quicker than ye look lass." I smirk. I lunge at her again, and she blocks it. "Yer not supposed to hold the sword with two hands lass. Use yer strong one." She switched to her right hand (sorry for those of you who may be left handed). She shoves the sword pushing me back slightly. "Yer stronger then ye look too." I slyly grab my hook and go after her, I pin her against one of the blocks holding her sword with my sword and hook. (Like in the movie the scene with Jay and Harry).

"You-you can't use your hook Harry. That's cheating!" She said. I just stare at her, smirking evilly. I was gonna be honest. I didn't like the thought of having to have her fall for me, but on the upside, she's not one of those ugly personality princesses. The fun part will be breaking her foolish heart. I removed the hook and put that arm behind my back. I pushed harder. Slowly we had gained an audience, but we had no idea. Her (Ec) flashed light blue, (if you have blue eyes then they flashed a darker blue) and she pushed me away, her stance stronger. "Yer just full of surprises aren't ye lass."

"You have no idea." She steps back and leaps forward, barely missing me. I swing at her and she ducks under. She wings at me and I block it. She slides right, and goes behind me. I feel my hook get pulled from my grasp, we hear gasps and that's when we realized. We had an audience. I glare at her. "Watcha doin' with my hook, princess?" She sets it down, and slides it away from both of us. "So you won't cheat." I let out a yell and charge after her.

She moves out of the way. Still glaring at her for taking my hook, I swing again, but she blocks. She's quicker than I thought. "Come on Hookie, what's can't you get me? Is this lass to fast for a pirate?" She says innocently. 'Oos' echo thought the room. Good to know her anxiety medicine does this. "Ye seem to have lost of confidence. Where'd that come from eh?" She simply shrugs and lunges at me. I block it and move.

"GET HIM (YN)!" She smirks. We were both getting tired, this had lasted longer than I expected. More swings more blocks and suddenly. Her sword point hits my chest. It's quite. Her facial expression changes. "Did I win?" She asks. Suddenly everyone erupted it hoots and hollers. I chuckle and go to grab my hook. "Aye, ye won lass. Ye caught me by surprise. I had no idea ye knew how teh use a sword lass." She breathes heavily. "I-I didn't either." I look at her, looking for any sarcasm. "Ye really didn't know how teh use one befer this? I'm impressed, if ye had been from the Isle, ye would've been a great addition to our crew." I say.

Her whole aura suddenly changes. She starts breathing heavily again. She begins to fall, everyone gasps as I run to catch her. "Lass?" What is with this girl? "Are ye alright? Lass answer me. Lass!" Her eyes open wide. She practically leaps up. She looks around and sees all the people. She starts to shake again. Her medication must've wore off. She sprints out of there. I stand up, and Lonnie taps my shoulder. "You both put up a really good fight. I'm sure (Yn) told about an empty space on the team, you want it?" Lonnie smiles. I smirked. "Aye."

"Perfect, practices are every Tuesday and Thursday, at four pm. See you then." She walks away. I look up and see Uma, smirking. I smirk back and walk away. This is gonna be great.

Your POV
Holy crap holy crap. I get back to the room, find my medication and take some more, I'm supposed to take them every few hours, I guess it had been a few hours. The door opens revealing Harry. "Ye okay lass?" He asked as he removed his hat, and placed it on his bed. Who knew a guy could look so good in eyeliner. Ah, no stop. "Y-yeah my medication just wore off. I just started using. Ben figured I would need medication because of room with you and everything." I respond.

"That was quite the fight ye put up back there. Ye really did a good job." He complimented. I laugh slightly. "Th-Thanks Harry. That means a lot coming from you." "Oh yeah? And why's that princess? Fall for me already did ye?" He smirks leaning on the bed frame. "In your dreams Hookie." "What's with that?" "What's with what?" I tilt my head confused. "The nickname." I blushed. "I-I don't know... it just slipped out?" "If anyone else starts callin' me Hookie I'm gonna—" "What hook me?" I mocked he got dangerously close, I got backed up against a wall. He smirks, look directly into my eyes.

"Not necessarily, I was thinkin' somethin' different princess." He mutters, his face inches from mine. Oof. I fight the major blush creeping it's way to my cheeks. "Wh-What do ye mean?" He simply shrugs then backs away. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "See ye later princess." He starts to walk out. "W-wait. Where are you going?" I asked. "Fer a walk. Is that an issue?" He asked putting his hat back in. "N-no But.... c-can I come?" His eyes widen in surprise.

"Yeah I'll just let Uma know that I have to meet up with 'er later." "N-no if-if you have to meet u-up with Uma go ahead I uh... should just work on homework anyway." "Too late, already let 'er know, now let's go fer that walk. Where ye wanna walk teh?" He asked putting his phone away. "A-are you sure?" I look at him, fiddling with my hands. "To the lake? Or do ye wanna go teh yer tree house?" "Th-the lake." "Perfect, lets go."

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