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We were sitting next to each other in English. I felt Emma's hand on my hand and I didn't pull back. I loved it. I liked Emma's company.

Things have changed since she said that she loved my smile. I don't know how I realized it. I just took a look at Emma that day and realized how her eyes were shining while she was looking at me. How her entire face changes when she sees me. Then, her smile started to lit up a fire inside me causing me to feel like I'm full with happy and smiley faces inside me. She started looking at me like I was hers. I started to feel like I belong to somewhere. I feel like I worth something when I'm with her. I started to talk more about everything. About my family, my mind, my feelings just everything. And the one thing that still scares the shit out me is; I started to look into her eyes. Just like she does to me. I started to look at her eyes like some kind of movie was playing in it. But it wasn't. I knew there wasn't any movie playing inside those gray eyes. I was just getting hypnotized by her cloud gray eyes. It feels like I'm under those clouds and she's letting me see through everything by making those clouds rain. Still confusing though.

It just makes me feel different and this different is some kind of good different.

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