Part Fourteen

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ome, well Pia's home aka the only place either of them would say was actually a home, seemed to be a bit farther then they had expected. The town was pretty small so they hurried along, avoiding the eyes that seemed radiate from every single window and every door. They felt watched by these invisible and non invisible nosy neighbours.

Pia reached out to touch Katie, their hands slightly brushing against one another's. The electric feeling rushed through her, tingling in her skin.

That was real? She wondered. The tingling that all those writers talk about. It feels like a nice electric shock.

She reached out again feeling Katie's soft fingers against her. So soft. Her long nails slide over Pia's hand as they walked side by side. Round nails with a smooth surface and sift skin surrounding it. So pretty. The tingling struck wherever their skin touched, even for Pia when they weren't.

Hmm... Maybe this happens when one is aroused, what a strange feeling it is. She looked in Katie's direction, looking for approval, for her interest. If she isn't feeling the same feelings, what is even the pont? I don't want to force her... Oh god what if she feels uncomfortable.. What if because we're walking so much, she isn't in the mood?? Aww shit.

Katie was in a interchangeable state of looking ahead strong, like a warrior queen who is riding into a battle she has no hope of winning and watching the ground as if looking elsewhere could mean her death. Blood rushed into Pia's brain and face and she felt very warm, boiling even in her own skin.

Oh lord, am I turning red? I better not be, oh fuck! She felt like the blood in her face just got warmer. Ahh there's no reason to turn red.... Just think of something else.. Like.. Uhm... Fuck! No, ahhh

Her eyes drifted again to Katie, but this time she noticed, greeting her eyes with a stern but blushed look. Her hair fell in messy streams over her reddish face, a sense of sadness burning in her pupils, leftovers from her crying. It was clouded over with excitement, causing her to redden more. Pia had to smile und gave a sheepish smile back.

Aaaaaah! She's so cute! My heart feels like stopping and I don't know what to do... AAAAAAAAA why are girls so cute and how is one interested in me? Katie looked away, seemingly embarrassed. What do I do? I don't want her to feel uncomfortable because I'm going too fast, not to mention she's not in a good place right now but on the other hand, she's so cute and seems to be also in the mood despite her feeling down. What do I do? What should I do?

They continued on, wandering through the white fence neighbourhood, feeling watch, followed and haunted until they reached a smaller house. It was no way near as fancy as Katie's place but it also didn't give off a creepy vibe of a rich people's house, complete with a murder basement to kill of retail workers who dare to say happy holidays and not Merry Christmas.

"Merry Crisis." Pia said out loud as she waited for Katie to finish staring at the house, the vine coming to mind. It seemed to break Katie out of her stare and she took a moment to look over at her. "I.. Uhm.. I was randomly thinking and then my brain just.."

"Merry Christler!" Katie exclaimed. "Dude let's watch from vines that cure my depression!"

"We can snuggle up on our couch." Pia got really excited as she fiddled with her keys, trying to find the right one. "We've got some really flüffy blankets!"

"Hurricane Katrina?" She asked as Pia opened the door before both of them broke into a chorus. "More like hurricane tortilla!"

I'm straight up having a good time. Pia grinned again as she heard Katie's laughter. And I feel like it can only get better.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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