Part one

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Katie came over to me and sat next to me on my bed.

"Hard day?" She asked after doing that thing with her lip that I so love. All I wanted in this moment was to kiss those beautiful lips.

"Katie," I started talking but she didn't let me continue. Her lips made contact with mine and she gently forced me to lay down under her. "babe... I have homework..." I tried to push her off but she held firm.

"Oh but Pia, I've been a bad girl... please punish me." I didn't need to hear anymore. I pressed my lips against hers and started to unbutton her shirt. She instead unbuttoned mine. I stared at her beautiful round breasts and turned red. She noticed and giggled in her sing like laugh.

"You're so cute baby.." She whispered, biting my ear.

"PIA!!! PIA!" A voice yelled from downstairs. "Pia you better be ready to go! The bus will be here in 5 minutes."

What? That was all a dream? I guess it was too good to be true......

Pia pulled herself out of her warm snuggly bed and grabbed her school uniform.

"In a way it's good that we don't have to choose our clothes every single morning." Pia quickly got herself dressed and grabbed her backpack and dashed down stairs. On her way she heard her mom counting down to 1. Once she got there she grabbed her lunch box and literally flung herself at the door. Pia ran as if she life depended on it and her effort was paid of. She got to the bus in the last second.

Completely exhausted she looked for a place to sit but the bus seemed to be full. The few seats still empty were covered by backpacks and it didn't seem like they were going to move them anytime soon. As she slowly walked to the back she heard the occasional remarks "sit down" or "stop standing around".

She stood awkwardly there for at least a minute until someone motioned for her to sit next to them. Pia didn't think twice and literally dove for the spot. Only when she sat down did she notice who she was sitting next to.

It was Katie!


Katie giggled slightly.

"Cute T-shirt" she commented between giggles.

Oh shit... do we literally still have our pajama shirt on? We blew it! We blew it! WE FRICKEN BLEW IT!! We might as well get run over by a bus. There is no point in life anymore...

Pia turned red. "...ahm... I uhm..."

"Hey don't worry... I did the same thing once." She laughed quietly. "You were probably studying late for the exam in history today, weren't you?"

HISTORY?!? We were dealing with our meme page and blogging and watching supernatural and listening to music... no studying involved...

"Yeah of course.... War of independence... good stuff.." She tried to remember what they were learning about.

Once again her crush started laughing softly, the cutest sound Pia had ever heard. "We're learning about the Civil War..."

Once again Pia went tomato red. "Oh... yeah right... the civil war" at that moment she noticed Katie's new nails "OH I love your nails!"

"Aww you're so adorable! Thanks"

No I'm trying to flirt with you!

Katie grabbed her earphones and so Pia looked to her phone to avoid an awkward situation.

||HEY YOU ALL!!!!! So finally a English book.
Yeah 👏🏻
Not like anyone asked for one but I thought that I might just write one... And my sister told me to stop writing Yaoi... so I'll write Yuri💖
Anyway enjoy!!||

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