Part four

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"I actually don't really have a time, we don't have homework for tomorrow and my parents aren't too strict." Pia said with a small smile, barely able to breathe. All of her dreams had come true, her crush spoke to her, was also into girls, thought she was cute and now she was going to be in her room. Pia almost pinched herself to make sure she wasn't in a fan-fiction, these things just don't happen in real life.

Katie opened the door to her room and Pia stepped into a girls heaven. The whole room gave off a fluffy vibe with Christmas lights on the walls and lots of pillows but a strange lack of pictures and/or real personal decorations.

"Welcome to my prison." Katie said with a laugh and Pia gave an small laugh to cut the awkwardness.

"It's very very very... fluffy and soft." Katie threw herself on the bed and padded the spot next to her. Pia nervously but in pure bliss sat down next to her crush.

"Are we going to kiss or something?" Pia asked sarcastically to lighten the sexual tension and make a joke out of the odd situation but Katie starred intensely into her eyes and went in for a kiss.

Did Katie just kiss me?

Pia felt Katie's lips on hers, the tips of her fingers tingled and she could barely believe what was happening. Was this just another dream?


Pia never wanted this feeling to stop but something in her found the strength and she gently broke the moment. Katie had tears in her closed eyes and a weak smile on her face.

"Katie... that was amazing but... what came over you?" She fell into Pia's arms sobbing.

"I can't do this anymore... I just can't..." Katie continued to sob in a shocked Pia's arms. Pia gently stroked her back and hair.

"What's wrong Katie, what happened?" Pia asked her emotions clearly showing in her voice. She was really worried about Katie and really fucking wanted to help.

"My boyfriend cheated on me and I'm tired of pretending everything is ok because he sends me a few roses, I'm tired of being the most popular girl and everyone wanting to know about my personal life and I'm tired of it all.."

"Then just break up with him. Dump his ass and throw him away." Pia was slightly excited at the thought especially now that they had already kissed, she imagined them dating and holding hands in school and taking her crush to the cinema.

"I can't..." Katie's hands went into fists. "Once when I was drunk, we did a naked shooting and he still has the pictures and he said that if I ever break up with him he'll... he'll..."

Katie's voice broke into a loud sob which she covered terrified and turned her head to the door. Her scared eyes locked on the door as it slowly creaked open. Katie's creepy mom stuck her head through the crack like an ugly mosquito looking to suck the blood of Katie.

"Is everything ok in here?" Her slimy voice spoke with a sharp tone as she starred at the crying Katie who still had her hands over her mouth. Katie looked to Pia, her eyes begging for help and Pia would not even dream of letting her crush down.

"Well you see Ms. Lonedimes, Katie is having a little boy trouble so we're taking about that and we'll get to our project a second no need to worry." Pia gave the mosquito the sweetest smile she could muster.

Pia headed across the room and kinda made the movement to close the door when Katie's mom closed it herself. Pia lead against the door and wiped her forehead clear from invisible sweat. Katie let out a little giggle.

"Thank you for that..." Katie's tone got serious again. Pia cursed herself and made it her mission to lighten up the mood.

"She's a bit... creepy if I'm allowed to say." Katie put her hands on her lips and made a shhhhh sound and a movement with her hands in a come here kinda way. Pia snuck across the room and sat back down at her spot.

"You have no idea, she's terrifying..." Katie bit on her lower lip and Pia saw that she was about to cry again so she changed the subject.

"So why did you kiss me?"

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