Part two

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When they got to school everyone got off the bus and headed to their classrooms. Pia lost sight of her crush only to find her with a group of the popular kids.

Of course, she thought. Katie is one of the most popular girls at school. I guess I should feel honored that she even looked at me...

She sadly walked over to her corner. Pia was kind of mutual with everyone but friends with no one. She could theoretically go up to almost anyone at school and have a full blown conversation, know all about them and their interests but they wouldn't have a clue who she was.

Well she did have one mutual who one could consider her best friend at school. He was also a blogger like herself. They had the most to talk about from all the other kids at the boring-ass school. But unfortunately he wasn't at school today so Pia just chilled in her corner pretending to study but really her mind was far far away.

Omg Katie looks so good today. Did you see her hair, it looks so soft. Her makeup looks fabulous...jezz! And her clothes... it's official she's the queen of my life. Katie, if you can read minds, which I hope you can't, I love you so much! You are the light of my life. The soul reason for my existence.

Just as Pia was about to lose herself in her praises for the girl she loved, that very girl walked by. But not with her clique as usual but holding hands with a BOY!!!!!!!!!!!

Pia's heart broke into a billion pieces as she tried to breathe. It wasn't just any boy she was holding hands with but the most popular boy in whole school, who was by the way in his senior year. He was the schools star player in American football or just football most people called it. Anyway he also had applied for a college with one of the biggest football teams and he had been excepted!

We don't stand a chance against a dude like that! But now we know, she likes sporty guys and maybe just maybe she might like nerdy girls... maybe...

Oh who am I fooling she's obviously straight. I mean... there is a small chance that she could be bi or pan or poly or something...

At that moment Pia realize that she was still halfway in her pjs. Mortified she ran to her locker and grabbed her extra clothes and dashed to the girls bathroom. She was changing as quickly as she could when she heard the bell ring and her heart sank again.

Once again she had to run to her locker and grab her school books before sprinting to class.

"Late as always Pia?" Mrs Sandrite asked without wanting an answer. So Pia just nodded in response. "Ok then take your seat. You did get here before I actually started teaching so you don't have to go to the principals office, again. Alright class......" and that's when Pia stopped listening. She liked Mrs Sandrite but her subject, maths was just boring and Pia just didn't get anything she was talking about.

Katie had a different class plan which was a bummer but they did have history together with each other. That was good. Wait... did she say something about an exam?!? Oh well, that was already going to be a F.

Math seemed to take decades to be over and the teacher got annoyed at just about everyone, Pia included. Then there was a break with just enough time to switch books and get to the next class. And that didn't included talking to others or toilet stops. Luckily Pia didn't really have anyone to talk to so she got the classroom in record time only to see Katie already there.

"Hey! Pia, ready for the exam?"

Oh not that smile, my knees are going weak... I have to sit down.

Pia awkwardly sat as not to fall down. "Uhm... sure... I mean, not really..."

"Awww don't be nervous. All you have to do is concentrate and remember all those hours you slept through, that's what Johnny says."

So that's the boy who stole my girl! JOHNNY. How I hate that name.

"Um yeah well... I guess that should work. Well... good luck to you too." Pia stuttered out regretting every word.

"Thx!" O goodness! How can everything she says sound so godly?! Wtf

After the horrible exam the day went on pretty normally and it was just one clumsy thing after another. Finally the day was over and Pia got to the bus stop just in time.

"Hey! Do you want to sit next to each other?" Pia turned around to look face to face with her crush.

"Sure Katie... whatever you want."

OMG she has a radiant smile if she laughs I'll fall over and die.

She giggled, SHE GIGGLED!

Ok I'm officially dead!

The bus came and everyone got in. Pia sat down next to Katie who was smiling.

"Hey look what Johnny sent me!" She pointed to the screen of her phone which showed a bunch of roses. "Awww isn't he cute?"

Damn it! No he isn't! He probably got that from the Internet and is trying to win her over!! Not today Cowboy, not today...

|| HEY y'all ^~^

So happy new year, three days late. But whatever.

Happy 2017!! I wish you health and happiness and stuff, you know.
No? You don't know?
I mean the good stuff. Like the very good stuff... like fairies!!!
(If you were thinking about something else well shame on you!)||

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