Chapter 10

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Mira Blankely, Castle of Palette
one hour ago

She was walking through the corridors of the sixth floor to her royal chambers with Santi and some other guards tightly behind her.

She had just been done with her speech and excused herself by telling General Allan that she needed to go to her chambers for awhile to rest. She had already complained of her throat suddenly hurting so that Marie's hoarse voice, wouldn't be suspicious to them. The plan was for Marie to put on Mira's dress, and step out of the chamber instead of Mira as she stays behind and begins her plot.

To Mira's relief her excuse had also managed to help her escape before Prince Aidan went in for a chat. She had nothing personal against him but she also didn't want to be seen with him in public in front of all those people. And more importantly, what if Sophie had seen them and accidentally finds out about Mira's engagement? Sophie would never believe the fact that the engagement was of a mutual agreement. Just like a certain handsome blueeyed general, Sophie would see right past her lies.

On the mention of Allan, to Mira's relief he was working undercover and was therefore not her bodyguard that particular night. If he had been he would have probably noticed that Marie wasn't Mira.

" I won't be for long, wait for me outside and do not enter under any circumstances."  She told the guards as soon as they reached the chambers.

The guards nodded in response and said "Your orders, your highness."  as Mira opened the door and quickly closed it. As she continued to walk inside the chamber she told Felicia and Marie to come out from their hiding places.

"Hurry up Marie dear, take your clothes off." She said and began taking off her tortilla gown herself, when they had popped out from the secret passage.

"Yes your highness." Marie answered and handed Mira her disguise attire before she began taking off her clothes.

It was the royal inspector uniform with blue pants and a white shirt with a blue frockcoat, that was going to be Mira's disguise attire. Since Mira didn't also want to draw attention to her female body, Felicia had prepared a cape with a hoodie that would hide her curves. "Thank you." Mira said and then grabbed the pile of clothes, after handing Marie the dress.

"Do you remember what to do?"

"Yes your highness. I'll be escorted by Santi Milo, the head of the royal castle guards, then I'll be greeting all the guests-" As Mira buttoned her shirt she cut Marie off. "what guests exactly? I want you to name them."

"Ofcourse your highness, the first guest will be Johnson Stuart, Matteo Avici, after that it'll be Prince Aidan that's escorted by the duchess of Gille, Christina Calin, along with her neice Isabelle Blossom, then i'll will have to dance with the Prince and after that, i'll excuse myself to my chambers, and lock the door, until you arrive." She finished and since Felicia was helping her adjust the dress tighter, Mira realized that her twin had a thinner waist than her, which ofcourse had stung a bit. Maybe she needed to ride more often..

She nonetheless smiled at Marie and said," You look beautiful." She was rocking the gown quite fashionably. She then added." I apologize for causing this inconvience. You don't even get to know why you are doing all of this..but I'm very grateful, Marie. This means a lot to me and try to have fun whilst you at it, for my sake."

"To be honest, dressing up in such a gorgeous gown, and being a princess for a couple of hours is...frightening, yet special, so i should be thanking you, your highness." Marie replied and when Felicia tied the mask around her face, even Mira had trouble seeing the difference between them. Altough some difference could be spotted upclose, she lucklily had a beautiful fan as an extra disguise.

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