chapter 6

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Mira's chamber, Castle of Palette

It had been days since her father revealed about her engagement and just thinking about it made her heart ache so badly that she feared it would break in pieces.

Mira stared out of her window and remembered Sophie instead. Her beloved friend had been all over the palace checking the final details of the masquerade ball and the two had only been able to see each other briefly for five minutes during the whole week because of the hectic work. Ofcourse, Sophie didn't know about Mira's engagement to the Prince Aidan and altough Mira's sisters were eager to tell her friend, Mira had made everyone promise not to tell Sophie before she did.

If Mira's heart ached, her friend's would probably shattered into peices. It may be for a little while, but Mira was finding comfort in the fact that her bestfriend was yet to share her agony.

In the midst of her thoughts, Mira subconciously touched her curls and was surprised at the softness of  them as well as the smoothness of her own skin.  Ever since King John had told her family about her engagement to Prince Aidan, her youngest sister Isla was adment on putting on plants that were mushed to make Mira's skin soften and glow.

Felicia on the otherhand, her royalmaid, diligently applied exotic oils on her hair every night, to make the curls shiny and soft. They were clearly excited for her and her poker face seemed to have been extremely succesful. They all thought that she was neutral and maybe even excited over her enagement and the fact that Prince Aidan was young and extremely handsome was making it all easier. Nobody seemed to have detected her agony, or so she had thought until Isla had confronted her on the third day.

"Miranda Blankely, are you sure of this marriage to the Prince? Hay, indeed is he very handsome but is it really what your heart wants?" Isla said and stared into her older sisters green eyes with determination to find out even the slightes hint of hesitation. Lying to her younger sister was the hardest part about it all but in the end Mira stared right back at her and said.

"Well, It's true that I don't know him and only know of him, but I have heard that he is a righteous Prince and if a simple marriage can help our Kingdom, hay! I would indeed happily get marrried to a tyranne as well and I'm lucky that in this case he is actually pleasant."

Isla didn't respond to her and continued applying the plant mud on her skin. She had seemed content of her respone and both of them never spoke about it after that, it was some sort of a silent sisterly agreement. Altough Mira would have loved to come clear to her sister, Isla would probably throw a tantrum. Everyone would then know that the Crown princess's own father viewed her as incompetent and therefore had to forcibly marry her away so the Kingdoms future could be secured.

Just the thought of that being the reason hurt badly but she held back her tears as if her life depended on it.

She wondered if she could escape before the ball and her meeting with Prince Aidan. Her pride wouldn't ofcourse ever let her to do that, altough it was a tempting thought. The majority were already expecting her to do something stupid and flash her incompetence to the whole world, and what better why to do that than escaping the palace and leaving behind her obligations?

Someone suddenly woke her up from her slumber by knocking on the door. The storming thoughts had made her very fatigued so she hadn't even realized that she dozed of.

"Pardon me your Highness, General Worthy has asked me to inform you of a urgent meeting on the second floor within an hour, I will be escorting you." it was one of her royal guards and his name was Santi. He had opened the door just enough for his voice to reach Mira so he wouldn't impose on her.

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