Chapter 8

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Mira Blankley

Second floor of  the castle Palette

Inside the dimlighted room were the crown princess and General worthy had their meeting with the troops, was Mira standing alone as she tried to memorize as much of the information on the scrolls as humanly possible.

It was at dawn and she had succesfully sneaked out of her chambers by telling her main guard Santi that she needed to go to Sophie's to solve a political problem. They had invited both Isabelle Blossom- an osterian neice to her highness Christina Calin, duchess of Gille's -and Frank Caliph's brother Isaac Caliph who had previously cheated on Isabelle with his new vastian lover, Teressa Stuart. Their divorce hadn't been a nice one and since her highness took sides with her niece, the whole matter had turned out to cause a vasti-sydian conflict. Altough it was inevitable to not invite the two parties, it was a worry so Santi had decided that it was best for Mira to solve the problem immediately, and since it was Lady Sophie's Chambers, he didn't bother following her.

Mira on the other hand had already solved the matter and never went to Sophie's Chambers. Instead she changed from her silk robe to a maid attire, with braided hair and a cape over her head that would cover half her face.

Since the whole palace was full of working Staffs, the guards weren't suspecting anything weird as she passed by them with her bag of freshly baked cupcakes, and since the foodstore was on the eastern part of the second floor, not a single guard had found it odd that she went down the stairs and oriented her way through the dark corridors.

As she arrived at the room, she took out the keys she had stolen and unlocked it. Since the guards were mostly busy scrutinizing the workers on the fifth and sixth floor, Mira knew they wouldn't be lurking around the dark corridors of the second. She quickly checked if someone had heard her just to be safe and then softly closed the door.

There she was standing ten minutes later with a frown on her face.

The first drawing of the infamous scammer, M, was of a young, blonde and handsome man that used spectacles. He seemed to be around his early twenties. His eyes were also blue and looked so unharmful.

The next poster was the complete opposite, it was of a originally darkhaired man with wrinkles and a scar across his face. The last drawing on the otherhand was of a young redheaded boy, that looked to be ten years old. His eyes were green and he looked quite quickwitted for his age. 

As Mira kept on looking at the drawings on she spiked scrolls, she felt frustrated.

None of the drawings seemed to have any relation or resemblance. Even if he could have used horsehair and different herbs to dye his hair with, it didn't make sense. How could a seventy years old man suddenly look like a ten years old? And how could one change his eyecolors? He must have used these people as his puppets, and kept himself in the background she figured.

As Mira traced her fingers on the scrolls she found an interesting detail. On the corner of one of the drawings someone had scribbled;

His eyecolors sometimes changes, the victims has informed us. His blue eyes or green, can suddenly turn golden when he seems frustrated or angry as if his emotions could cause a change of color in his eyes. They also say that he often used to blink and take a certain rare eyediseases as an excuse.

It all finally made sense. Mira's face broke into a smile as she whispered." You are caught, you damned bastard." She never swears usually but at that moment her brain had put the puzzle peices together, making Mira conduct the best plot to play him in his own mindgames, making her excitement take the best of her.

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